The National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty

Read the below from The National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty (NCADP) to learn how the organization is actively utilizing new media to continue to grow it’s network of supporters and spread it’s message.

The National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty (NCADP) is actively incorporating new media and online strategies into our network-building efforts, strengthening the base of grassroots abolitionists we serve and creating a more robust network of anti-death penalty voices across all 50 states.

A key example of this can be seen in our recent use of these tools to help New Mexico abolish the death penalty and then spread word of our victory to grow our resource base for future battles. In the weeks leading up to the repeal of the death penalty in New Mexico in March, NCADP staff used our email blast service to mobilize our network of more than 23,000 contacts, encouraging them to contact Governor Richardson and other elected officials to pass and sign the repeal bill. This message was reiterated through NCADP’s Facebook Cause page, which itself grew from just a handful of members to more than 2,000 since the beginning of 2009. Our email blasts consistently encouraged readers to sign up for Facebook and Twitter updates, to help in New Mexico and to prepare for other planned campaigns in 2009.

One of the most exciting elements of our effort came during the debate in the New Mexico Senate on the repeal bill. NCADP’s Director of Affiliate Affairs sat in the Senate balcony, reporting via Twitter to NCADP’s network of followers the minute-by-minute proceedings on what proved to be a close vote. In turn, updates were shared via our Facebook cause, with highlights posted to our blog. After the success of the repeal bill in the legislature, NCADP used ongoing blast emails, blog postings, Facebook notifications and Twitter updates to encourage supporters to contact the Governor, asking him to sign the bill. As he had expressed reservations about repeal until this time, it was not clear that we would be successful.

Ultimately, by leveraging our affiliate listservs, email databases and other online networks, we were able to amplify thousands of pro-repeal voices, which helped Governor Richardson see the wisdom of abolition. On March 18, 2009, New Mexico became only the second state to repeal the death penalty in the past four decades!

NCADP has continued to use our online tools to share the wonderful news of New Mexico’s repeal of the death penalty and grow our online base. In April, the Executive Director of our New Mexico affiliate traveled with Governor Richardson to Rome to witness the lighting of the Coliseum in honor of New Mexico’s action to end the death penalty. They shared an audience with the Pope, who graciously thanked them for their work on behalf of human rights. Working with the Executive Director, we were able to post pictures and updates from her trip in near real-time via our website and blog, and encourage more views through Facebook, Twitter, and our email blasts. In addition, we encouraged readers to thank the Governor, and to contribute to our work in many other states. This effort was an incredible opportunity not only to get NCADP’s followers involved in making a substantial change in one state’s policy, it demonstrated the power of the online world to transform the thinking of policymakers. We will apply lessons we have learned from New Mexico in other states, so we may achieve abolition throughout the nation.

667 responses to “The National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty

  1. Thank you for posting this! NCADP is pleased to be engaging new media strategies in our work, and know that by building online communities, we can abolish the death penalty!

    • God Bless you all for all that you do.

    • Thank you NCADP for all your continued work towards abolishing the death penalty. I hope New Mexico will stand as a model to the rest of the US and the world. We are unable to move forward as a free and democratic nation until basic human rights issues are adressed.

    • The NCADP has kept me active in the movement to abolish the death penalty following graduation. Thank you!

    • NCDAP must Win!! Death penalty has to be abolished! Its inhumane and midevil.

    • Nancy Engelsberg

      The sooner the death penalty, symbol of “incivility” is abolished, the better.

    • The NCADP has kept me updated through e-mail on cases and the progress that they are making towards abolishing the death penalty. Thank you for the work you do!

    • I am delighted that the NCADP is utilizing diverse media sources to spread its message and gain the powerful support necessary to make a lasting difference to death penalty policy around the U.S. As a young engaged citizen I am happy to be following the various campaigns and being made aware of how I can make a difference and contribute to their success.

      I say keep up the good work. They deserve this recognition and much more for keep alive a debate that can easily be lost in chaos of other issues today.

    • Mike Bachhuber

      Thanks for doing your part to return the United States to civility.

  2. I’ve been a supporter of this organization since I first attended an annual conference in the late 1980’s. I’ve been to everyone since, and help start several affiliated organizations. In 1994 I was asked to join the board of directors, which I did. I served until I was asked to join the staff after I worked myself out of a job by helping abolish the death penalty in New Jersey in Dec. 2007. My first year on staff I helped to abolish the death penalty in New Mexico (NM Abolition Day was March 18!), and today we are working on Colorado. Our movement has grown so much, and we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. It’s still a long tunnel, but we CAN see the end. Thanks for your support!


  3. One of the issues that haunts me when I think of how many may be killed, have been killed by the state with questions about their guilt unresolved. I am also puzzled by the thought that there is such blood lust on the part of some of Americans.

    • Linda, you make a good point. I too am especially haunted by thinking of innocent people killed. I have long suspected that in the case of the “heinous” crimes that often get the death penalty, the system is particularly likely to arrest and convict an innocent person because there is such a strong psychological desire to “get the bad guy”.

  4. The NCADP is such a great organization, I have been so lucky to benefit from all the work they do in this incredibly important area.
    Between the fact that we have the highest incarceration rate of any “developed” country, and the fact that many, many convicts have been exonerated due to DNA testing, the work of the NCADP is more important now than ever.
    I am proud to be associated with them.

    Sam DeWitt

  5. Mary Ann Bentz

    I am thrilled with the way NCADP has been using the new elctronic media to generate support for ending the death penalty. As a pro-life Catholic Democrat, it has been great for me to see the use of modern media to excite the public and enable so many more peopl to rise in support of an issue so easily. It has also been extremely helpful to me to have access to current, by-the-minute updates. Seeing the abolition movement accelerate so rapidly is amazing and gives me great hope for the future.

  6. The National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty is worthy of consideration for any award in the area of human rights, truth, and justice. It is important to see the list of countries that still have the death penalty; none of the countries the US is normally associated with in terms of history, economics, and culture are on this list. 137 countries have outlawed the death penalty, while 35 countries have a defacto ban. The US stands out among the 72 countries who still inflict the death penalty, most of which are in the Middle East, Far East, Africa, and Central America. Almost no European or South American countries use the death penalty. Not only is it an inhumane consequence, but it is impractical in the level of its expense. I very much hope the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty will be considered for the Social Media Leadership Award. I have been kept very informed by this group for quite awhile, and value its contribution to the human rights arena.

  7. As a grassroots abolitionist in Florida I rely on NCADP to keep me updated on what is happening around the nation on the death penalty. I sent a message to Gov. Richardson in NM and so was a small part of that action thanks to the alert I received from NCADP. As Florida moves forward toward abolishing the death penalty we will look to NCADP for help. I’m grateful for their grassroots involvement.

  8. I am glad that people are now making their voices be heard instead of standing by waiting for things just to happen. My generation is the the worst about complaining about things they want to see change but never putting forth any effort to make a difference. It is just nice to see that people are coming together and standing up for what they believe in. I am truly preying that soon this will be a movement that reaches states like Texas and Oklahoma. I’ve always believed that it is GOD job to judge us not man and for us to take a persons life because of a crime they have committed is like saying that non of us have ever done anything wrong. Like the Lord says Judge not least you be judged. How can we cast stones when all sins are equal in the eyes of the Lord? Thats just my belief and I am truly excited to see so much change happening so quickly.

  9. This is such a difficult “cause”. There just aren’t many of us who consider this a priority. So I take my hat off to the blog for its constant reminders and for the work they do to keep us informed and that make it easy to send petitions etc.

  10. I am thrilled with the way NCADP has been using the new elctronic media to generate support for ending the death penalty. As a pro-life Catholic Democrat, it has been great for me to see the use of modern media to excite the public and enable so many more people so easily to rise in support of an issue . It has also been extremely helpful to me to have access to current, up-to-the-minute updates. Seeing the abolition movement accelerate so rapidly is amazing and gives me great hope for the future.

  11. gregory anderson

    This story demonstrates the absolute gold standard for how grassroots organizations can harness the power of new technologies for GOOD. I am thrilled to be part of the NCADP and inspired by Jenzabar Foundationi’s work.

  12. I have received much help from the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty–an extremely good organization.

  13. Does anyone really think that all of this contacting of our glorious leaders does any good- Don’t they already know what the people want! They act for their own best interest and always have! In thier view death is big business and life is expenable- as long as it is the life someone else.
    There are many more important projects to work on, such as the return of all those that want to follow Christ into The Catholic Church before it is to late. The greatest event of the second millennium was the fall of the richest and most powerful empire, Byzantium and it’s greatest city Constantinople. The initial attacks have been made!

  14. Blessings on all you do.

  15. NCADP is utilizing media/blogs/Facebook more effectively than just about any nonprofit I can think of. Their Facebook group in particular is very well organized. I urge you to strongly consider giving the $3000 grant to NCADP as they are very deserving.

  16. I have become aware of the NCADP’s great job on a subject which seems to make far from consensus in the US and gathering experience from our own struggle in France some 30 years ago, I strongly support their getting more funding for their courageous fight against the lack of interest of the general public as yet. Believe me, the best NCADP deserve is to have no more object over the next years, when such an inhuman penalty as death has been repelled as should be in a modern democracy !
    (sorry for my bad command of English!)

  17. Finding the NCADP was one of the best things that has happened to me in the past few years; this is a cause I care about so much, and it’s very helpful having such an amazing organization keeping me up to date on what is going on across the nation. Thank you for all you do!!!!

  18. This is such a worthy organization- I have been a supporter and have sent many e-mails to work on their case actions for years, feeling that their efforts pay off. They are truly dedicated people with very targeted and productive goals- changing hearts and minds along the way.

  19. NCADP does an amazing job of helping all of us who are working toward abolition stay informed and do our part. I am proud to be a even a small part of this dynamic organization and can’t wait until we celebrate the abolition of the death penalty everywhere!

  20. Daniel Kroener

    The NCADP has been the most effective tool that I have seen in the campaign to abolish the death penalty.

  21. A good organization promoting a supremely important and noble cause than which there is no higher. America, as a civilized nation, deserves to rise above our basest instincts.

  22. NCADP does a wonderful job using Web marketing for further the abolition of the death penalty. Their alerts and blogs keep busy people up-to-date on issues in a succint and effective way.

  23. Given the outright murder of political activists going on in the United States, highlighted most recently by the injustice system’s denial of Mumia Abu-Jamal’s right to a fair hearing, helping our anti-Death penalty advocates is critical right now.

    Thank you for the work you all do and with you I stand against State murder!

  24. I wholly support the universal abolition of the death penalty. It is scandalous that the United States, one of whose founding principles is the right to life (granted by God, not humans), is one of the few nations on earth that still has the death penalty. I am wholly pro-life, and believe that human beings do not have the right to deliberately kill other human beings, not even those who have killed others. Two wrongs do not make a right. Let us all work to obliterate the culture of death that so permeates our culture.

  25. Rev. Rina Terry

    Thanks so very much for all that you do to support these efforts. As a member of MVFR, and the NJ Coalition, it has been a true blessing to see us move from retribution to reconciliation.

  26. Madeleine Callahan

    I find it invaluable to receive info by email about what is happening nationally to try to abolish the Death Penalty throughout the U.S. I work for this locally and have limited time to get involved at a national level. I appreciated very much being able to sign petitions and do my little part to oppose the death penalty.

  27. NCADP is an invaluable part of the national death penalty abolition movement. Diann Rust Tierney, its persistent, idealistic, committed and long-time leader has the uncanny ability to corral idealists and pragmatists in that cause. I hope you will enable her and NCADP to continue its leadership role in the fight to get rid of the death penalty in the U.S.

  28. The NCADP is the organization I rely on to keep up-to-date on all abolition news.

    They seem to have cracked the code of how to be an effective advocacy group. They communicate often but not too often, they always ask for action toward a specific goal, and they are clearly dedicated and passionate about what they do. This dedication is contagious as it helps mobilize their base.

  29. This is a great organization and the use of new media has really helped me become involved in the organization’s activities – through the e-mail newsletters, website, Facebook page, etc. I have been able to stay much more informed about what the NCADP is doing!

  30. Not only is NCADP’s cause worthy but its innovative use of media and online tools was essential in the New Mexico repeal of the death penalty.

  31. NCADP is a great organization. They have been so helpful in limiting the death penalty and providing people throughout the country and indeed the world to advocate on behalf of the many death row inmates. They are leaders in helping Americans to diminish its thirst for blood.

  32. I have never approved of the death-penalty and I never will. Two wrongs will neve make a right.

  33. NCADP’s work in helping to abolish the death penalty show how effective the organization is in convincing legislators to do the right thing and eliminate this barbaric practice. I’m proud to have been involved in the successful effort in New Jersey and have stayed involved.

  34. I am a retired Police Chief from a small town on the outskirts of Okla. City. During my years in law enforcement I observed many instances of misconduct on the part of police officers and many instances of what I considered to be improper prosecutions at the County and State level. I came away from this experience believing that if the specter of Capital Punishment were taken off the table, juries would be free to arrive at more just decisions without the need to determine issues of life and death.

  35. The NCADP has really broadened my knowledge about legislation in the US and helped me understand that there is actually hope for ending the death penalty in this country.

  36. Dan Peitzmeyer

    The United States is coming to realize that as a civilized nation we need to leave this cruel and ineffective torture behind us. In the last two years both NJ and NM have repealed the death penalty and it just passed the Colorado house. I thank the NCADP for their leadership.

  37. Sarah McUmber-House

    I appreciate the work that NCADP is doing. This is a difficult, uncomfortable issue that too many people know too little about. Few actually seek out knowledge on it, because of the emotionally unsettling questions attached to it, so it is vitally important that NCADP be able to continue to expand awareness and understanding as it does. Good job!

  38. I’ve had the privilege of meeting and working with many of the people at NCADP. They are a hard working dedicated group of individuals.

    Recent abolition of the Death Penalty by States such as New Mexico and New Jersey would seem to indicate that we are finally seeing some momentum in Death Penalty Abolition. These successes are have been aided and supported by the work of the NCADP and its people.

    Their success has been in large part due to use of the Internet and all of its many means for educating and communicating.

    Keep up the good work!

  39. Honestly, what would we do without this amazing organization that stands up for the rights of those who society throws away? I admire and support them because they take action on what my heart and soul tells me is right and just.

  40. I am a retired Police Chief of small town on the outskirts of Okla. City. During my 23 years of total experience on the job I was aware on many instances of police and prosecutor misconduct on both the City, County and State level. I came away from this experience believing that if the specter of Capital Punishment were taken off the table, juries would be more able to arrive at just verdicts without the need to decide life or death issues.

  41. We all have to fight with the law to put a stop to the death penalty: For many reasons”
    I very much want to help:
    Keep up the good work:

  42. What do we want to be as a specie. The NCADP is taking steps to lift us above ruthlessness. This is not just about the possible innocent on death row. But that alone is monumental in importance. What we do to the least of us…

  43. Marie Cholette, écrivaine

    C’est grâce à votre organisation que j’ai pu commencer à agir électroniquement à propos de la peine de mort. Sans vous, je n’aurais sans doute pas pu découvrir cette si noble, cette si humaine cause que vous défendez. La peine de mort est une aberration en ces débuts du XXle siècle. Je continuerai toujours à vous soutenir tant que la peine de mort existera aux États-Unis ou ailleurs.

  44. As a victim survivor of homicide I was looking for some suport for my feelings against the death penalty. NCADP provided me with up to date information and links to other organizations regarding the death penalty as well as Victim Survivor Groups. NCADP has provided support and understanding for my feelings when I needed it most. This organization needs your support.

  45. Beth Panilaitis

    NCADP has done an incredible job at not only tapping into social media, but also keeping up with this continually changing form of communication. As the state affiliate in Virginia, we have benefited from a great deal of support from NCADP on all aspects of our campaign. The “real time” updates on what is happening across the country (especially in New Mexico) have helped us to utilize that momentum to advance our grassroots effort in Virginia. Additionally the example that NCADP has set through social media (twitter, facebook, etc…) has helped our organization to learn about and also tap into this media. Their leadership is an essential part of the abolition movement and NCADP is very deserving of this award.

  46. I fully support this organization in standing firmly behind its beliefs and making a difference today. I know it will only bring more positive change in the future.

  47. It seems the only solution the US has for many problems is to kill. Wars, prisons, animal shelters, forests, etc. Why?
    Death is rarely a solution. It is an avoidance of signals about some breakdown. It is a poisoning mentality. Executions as well as lengthy incarcerations, for example, not only destroy lives of the prisoner, but also his family and those that rely on the prisoner for various types of sustenance, especially emotional. We have this phony concept that one who makes a mistake has a debt to society. A car thief does not have ten years of debt to society. Maybe to an insurance company, but that cannot be repayed by a prison sentence.
    The NCADP is one of the few organizations that are trying to solve this problem. Not by death, but by life that can then be corrected or rehabilitated.

  48. I attended the NCADP annual meeting in January, and was moved by the numbers of wrongful conviction survivors and victims’ family members now involved in this movement. Now, I appreciate getting updates from the organization through its various Internet media. Thank you!

  49. NCADP supports a national movement. NCADP enables on-the-ground activsts. Now is the time — Virginia, New Mexico — what’s next? An investment in NCADP has a multiplier effect (and, oh yeah, not so incidently, saves the lives of human beings).

  50. Carolyn Hanrahan

    The NCADP is an amazing organization. I am proud to be involved with such a great organization and be able to particpate in abolishing the death penalty. Their email alerts and informative and helpful to me. I have been more involved than ever because of their email alerts.

  51. The NCADP is skilled in using up to date tools of communication, which are of support to us even in such unevolved states as Alabama!

  52. Jacqueline Hawkins

    The NCADP has been very effective in the campaign to abolish the death penalty. Their newsletters and emails are my main tool for staying up to date on what is happening. Bless them for their work!

  53. I sent you a letter a few minutes ago. I forgot to check the box for receiving comments via e-mail. Please, if you now can, do so.

  54. Father John Atkinson

    You cannot be pro-life and prodeath penalty. That is a contradiction. Keep up your great pro-life energy. Peace

  55. Geoff Allshorn

    I live in Australia, a nation which has abolished the death penalty altogether. I look forward to the day when the USA joins much of the civilised world in also abolishing this cruel and inhumane punishment. Thank you to the NCADP for challenging the killings within the USA, and for continuing to provide me with emails and electronic information so that I can act as a concerned world citizen and do my own small bit to help bring about a better world – one which is forever free of the death penalty.

  56. Congratulations on New Mexico. Good luck in Colorado. Can California be far behind ? Keep up the good work.

  57. Many Thanks, Congratulations, Big Applauds etc…to NCADP (and affiliates) for the incredible work, using all medias available in raising public awareness and leading prompt actions not only in regard to the Death Penalty Abolition, but also in the quest of Justice for All.

  58. The NCADP has shown an incredible ability to organize, mobilize and teach, reaching out to thousands of citizens, telling the whole story about capital punishment. As a murder victim family member who believes that true healing comes through love, rather than hate, the NCADP has my full support.

  59. >>Executions as well as lengthy incarcerations, for example, not only destroy lives of the prisoner, but also his family and those that rely on the prisoner for various types of sustenance, especially emotional…<<

    Maybe the prisoner should have thought about his/her actions before he/she decided to end someone’s life. If the prisoner cannot do the time or deal with the effects of his/her incarceration…the most logical thing would be for them not to commit the crime that landed them on Death Row. That’s a novel concept.

    • Well, Dan,

      what about those people convicted for prejudice rather than sound proofs ? which I reckon is more than seldom !

      and besides, it is the “beauty” of a human being to overcome his instinct of revenge and treat other beings humanly !

      I feel sorry for you, Marie

    • Hello Dan,
      I guess you have not heard about the thousands of people wrongfully convicted/exonerated or even executed after spending decades in jail because of mistaken identities, false and/or coerced testimony/confession, procedural misconduct etc.

      Please, do take a moment to check the data of the Center on Wrongful Conviction.., Innocent Project, Truth in Justice and many other links available.

      Wishing you to never be at the wrong place at the wrong time , as you may well as thousands did, find yourself on death row!
      Keep NCADP ‘s number handy :)))

    • Hi Dan – I encourage you to read Thomas Cahill’s book A Saint on Death Row – The Story of Dominique Green. You might also find some informative material on
      The sad fact: capital punishment doesn’t deter, is costly, provides no justice and sickens the soul of society

  60. Any organization like NCADP is welcome in a nation with highest prisoner rate and broken criminal justice producing injustice. The less backward minded capital punishment should be the window outlay in the New World.

  61. Thank you for keeping us informed on this most important issue of abolshing the death penalty. I look forward to the day that the death penalty is abolished but until then why not a national moratorium.

  62. Miriam Thimm Kelle

    I cannot tell you what NCADP has done for me. I always felt the death penalty was wrong. However, when my brother James Thimm was tortured to death 24 years ago it seemed the only safe option. In 2007, the Nebraskans Against the Death Penalty had a Sister Helen Prejaen come and talk, I had seen the movie and felt a kinship. Right away I found others who felt like I did, and knew how the public could be safe. The NCADP gave me a scholarship to come to the National Convention in Harrisburg, Pa. I met wonderful people who helped me learn how to speak out more powerfully. Jill Frankie our state wide coordinator was there learning and helping right beside me. I met many who I trusted to guide me. I went to Montana to speak before the legislature, and flew alone. But, once again kind and wonderful people where waiting and helping. Despite the tragedy of the loss, I am thankful. Being able to communicate with all of these caring people, and have learned about facebook and twitter from them. I am never alone now, even though most of my family do not agree with me. Bless the NCADP. Miriam Thimm Kelle

  63. Although I’m a citizen of your neighbour to the north (who has also done away with capital punishment), I follow closely the vital work of the NCADP and have nothing but respect for their approach & goals, the latter of which so many around the world share.

  64. Several years ago I was literally about to explode on the subject of the death penalty. Life changes had pulled me from the dark side of supporting the death penalty to the human extreme of fighting this barbaric act. Acute emotions were tied up inside and I was looking for a release. Surfing the Internet I found The National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty and registered. Abe Bonowitz picked up on my past profession as a Florida prison warden who had carried out this horrible act, and haunted by its history in general. As a result I was invited to speak on the steps of the United States Supreme Court. While I had spoken previously to a couple of small groups on the subject, my trip to Washington D.C. launched me into a speaking engagement revolution ………..I call it the ‘great release’ in terms of finding that center and balancing point of the vicious circle. Thanks NCADP!

  65. Although there is still little voice being heard
    about the killers and the effects on their immediate family and close friends when premeditated murder is carried out legally, I am VERY Proud of the hard job carried out by the
    committed persons in New Mexico and New Jersey. My son Karl was the first executed in Texas after the United States declared lethal
    injection to be a fair and peaceful death! Going back to Cain and Able, this has been a bloody place to live. Now that death is no longer a legal penalty, does anyone else out there recognize
    this to be a big part of the puzzel toward peace on earth. Do you realize the men on death row in New Mexico reside under the olde law and may be executed? How about that our beloved Govenor Richardson has stated over and over again, that he has high hopes os signing the death penalty papers for Michael Astorga!?? I completely admire the NCADP and hope to see
    the realization of their goal when the death penalty is no longer apart of the judicial system in this country nor in this state of New Mexico.

  66. Please keep up the fight! I wished my friend Darwin Demond Brown, who got executed on January 22 ’09 by the State of Oklahoma, could have been saved.

  67. Yvette Holden. England.

    I am against the death penalty whether the person is guilty or innocent I’m all for second chances. Do Americans ever wonder why they live in such a violent society? When someone breaks the law and draconian laws are in place the criminal ups the stake out of desperation. Two of my closest friends have served time for capital murder both are law abiding people who have total changed. American justice system theirs no forgiveness or second chances it needs groups like your to educate the masses.

  68. The NCADP gives a voice to all of us Americans who stand horrified and ashamed by our nation’s use of the death penalty. The organization transmits dire information that much of the public has been too long ignorant of. The NCADP works tirelessly and passionately to fight against a blatant human rights abuse.

  69. I am so proud of New Mexico for abolishing the death penalty in any fashion, and owe such gratitude to the NCADP for all the work they have done.

  70. As one who has opposed the death penalty for many years, I am so grateful to NCADP for making if possible for some of us to stay informed and actively advocate repeal in all states. As a Marylander, I am glad we have made it more difficult to use the death penalty while disappointed that we didn’t succeed in getting full repeal. I am grateful for the help given to us in Maryland by NCADP and for all its efforts.

  71. NCADP is such a source of information on the subject of the Death Penalty. A campaigning organisation that has my utmost respect and support.

  72. It is shameful that a country such as ours still has a death penalty. It is immoral, obsolete, & ineffectual. Thanks NCADP for all that you do to raise our awareness of what we can do to abolish this shameful mark on our country & our hearts.

  73. The NCADP is working hard to defend the defenseless, using all means available. No organization is more deserving of support

  74. Ivy Rose Nightscales

    I am against the death penalty because it targets the poor and disenfranchised. I am also against it because many people have been wrongly convicted.

    We have a penal system that has the highest per capita incarceration percentage in the world.

    It is a racist system that targets minorities and profits (i.e. private prisons) greatly from incarcerating migrant workers and other poor people. This is an outrage and must be stopped.

  75. I don’t do the twitter or the facebook so much, but I do the e-mail alerts and the on-line discussion groups. The NCADP’s list serve has kept me up to date almost to the minute it seems, empowering me to take action, making phone calls, sending emails and writing letters. The NCADP has also invited me to on-line training sessions which have been excellent. Conference calls, too, excellent. The NCADP website is a nice site. Really- It stands out. I have helped two people stay alive with my letters and phone calls so far. NCADP gave me the phone numbers to call, the fax numbers, the email addresses and postal addresses.

  76. I am opposed to the death penalty from my faith perspective as a Quaker, believing that there is that of God in everyone and that no one is totally beyond redemption. I also have a loved one on death row and experientially understand the suffering that is the reality of the men and women on their long journey from conviction to execution. The community and support of NCADP has been extremely helpful to me in the past two years – I have attended two national conferences and always felt connected through the organization’s excellent on-line presence and use of social media.

  77. ncadp is a great cause. 20% of people are wrongly imprisoned currently in the u.s. that’s nearly equal to the total number of u.s. troops lost in ww1 and ww2 combined! just think of how many have already been put to death that are completely innocent….

  78. I e-mailed Gov. Richderson the following: As long as we have capital punishment, we will execute innocent people. http://www.freewebs,com/thomascrosthwaite/

  79. Ruth Battaglia

    NCADP is tops in getting out information and in making it easy to take action. They are to be commended for their goals and their approach.

  80. Thank you to Jenzabar for their work and especially to NCADP for their leadership. I’m pleased to work with NCADP on a number of issues, and I think that NCADP is doing a lot of things online that are on the cutting edge for small, progressive issue-based nonprofits.

  81. The NCADP is an amazing organization and it does a great job of keeping us informed and letting us know how we can help the cause. We will abolish the death penalty everywhere!

  82. vote up National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty (NCADP) to get money from the contest.

  83. Because a real democracy respects life in any circumstances.
    Life is God’s gift and life of everyone should be preserved. Only God knows what is deep inside of our hearts, only He knows who is guilty or innocent.
    Human justice is very far to be fair, and for this reason everyone should support abolition of death penalty, everywhere in the world.
    Thanks NCADP for your work.
    (From France)

  84. NCADP is making a difference. Everyday, we hear that the citizens of the United States are ready for change to bring an end to the Death Penalty here in the US. NCADP is effectively leading this charge and I am proud to be a part of this. They deserve this recognition and more for their hard work and perseverance.

  85. NCADP has provide support, assistance and information to our organization in Texas that is working to abolish the death penalty. The support that NCADP has given us is beyond any ability to quantify. It has been exceptional in every way. While it may be easy for national organizations to look at Texas and our current history of the use of executions and thus conclude that Texas is too hard to do and a potential waste of resources, NCADP has stood with us and has enabled TCADP to move forward to reach our goal. We have made very significant gains in Texas this year that would in all likelihood not have been possible without the support of NCADP. NCADP deserves appropriate recognition for the work they have supported here in Texas and across the nation.

  86. Many thanks to the NCADP for their tireless efforts to help end this barbaric and unnecessary practice.

  87. Sister Martha Bertke, C.PP.S.

    National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty is a fine organization and believe in the great work they are doing for the good of many people.

  88. I have been an anti DP campaigner for many years, and the information provided by the NCADP has been invaluable time and time again. I am proud to be associated with this organisation, there commitment to the abolition of the DP and the information is so very much appreciated by anti DP’ers all over the world. Good luck NCADP, you so badly deserve to win this award, and I look forward to being associated with you for many, many years to come!

  89. I’m a New Mexican. The local chapter of the NCADP recently lead the successful effort to ban the death penalty in New Mexico!! I was only able to participate through the center’s website but even that small action made me feel like I was part of something greater. This is the beauty of blogging, even those of us hamstrung by the modern pressures of too much work and not enough family time can participate in causes and actions greater than we.

  90. Our Coloradans Against the Death Penalty NCADP Affiliate spent a day last month creating a strategy, a plan, an energy, an enthusiam for following New Mexico onto the DP Abolition list , and all through the workshop with NCADP’s Abe Bonowitz, he helped us follow New Mexico’s progress in their NM Assembly debate, and efforts to persuade Governor Bill Richardson to sign the passed abolition bill.

    It was a blow by blow and we continued to follow these events for days while attending to our own abolition activities on behalf of HR 1274…which has now passed the Colorado House.

    We’ve used a terrific mixture of new and old technologies to great effect.

  91. I am so grateful for the NCADP. The work they do is important to me as a Catholic and as a human being! Thank you.

  92. Yes, let’s get REALLY get civilised again, if we ever were. One cannot legalize what in essence is called a crime, now can we. Murdering murderers AND innocent people, it’s a stain on USA flag, sorry to say so. Apart from the costs, it’s an etical thing!!!!! Anja

  93. NCADP is a very important organization in the United States to save lives especially to those who are wrongly convicted and sent to death row. I cannot understand how America is ever going to go forward without your support and the resources you have. I am as proud as any abolishioners with the great work you have strive until now.

  94. Vis-a-vis progress toward abolition, it has become progressively more and more evident how critically both effective and germane is the presence of a clearinghouse with expertise in addressing both national and local challenges. The National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty (NCADP) has with awesome rapidity become that clearinghouse. It has evolved into the domestic voice of the abolition movement.

    Through its current capacities to consolidate both fiscal and human resources, with alacrity to respond to challenges and with precision to demystify strategic operations, the NCADP has evolved into this nation’s organisational engine in the movement toward the elimination of capital punishment as a sentencing option within the United States of America.

    Moneys received by the NCADP are creatively and are with focus used. Please reward.

  95. NCADP is setting the standard for social justice activism through social media. Congratulations on the successful campaign in New Mexico, and for the organization’s support to all other state affiliates. We wouldn’t be able to do our work as effectively without the leadership of NCADP.

  96. I appreciated being a small part of the movement to abolish the death penalty in New Mexico through the NCADP media. I live in California, and NCADP provided information on various opportunities to reach out to our hero, The Honorable (in every sense of the word) Bill Richardson, to encourage and affirm him doing the right thing towards a more civil, just society.

  97. NCADP is a worthwhile organization and one I’m glad to help support. The death penalty is nothing more than state-sanctioned premeditated murder. There no point in creating a whole new set of victims (the family of the convicted) in order to satisfy some sick idea of revenge. People don’t think about that…

  98. The effective use of electronic media by the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty was an important factor in the abolition of the death penalty in New Mexico. It is also how I became interested and involved in their work. This is a wonderful, effective organization, and I look forward to the day when Texas joins the list of “abolitionist” states.

  99. Marie, you don’t have to feel sorry for me. I’m a Christian and I do support the Death Penalty. When a person has taken someones life what they have shown is that they cannot follow the rules laid out by society. If the punishment for their crime is death than so be it.

    Dan, if the Death Penalty isn’t a deterrent. Has there ever been a person who has been executed coming back to life and killing someone again? Sure sounds like the Death Penalty deterred them from ever committing another crime.

    If you have a problem with the Death Penalty send those murderers to Texas. Our state has no problem administering justice.

  100. Congratulations for your victory in getting the death penalty repealed in New Mexico. What a difficult job you do! You must have tremendous perseverance, and continue to press for abolition even as many states continue to execute. Thank you for your work.

  101. A person asked me a question that reflects what national organizations concerning certain issues really sometimes mean. “Living in Texas,” she asked, “what do you think can be done about the death penalty?” (I am sure I do not need to tell anyone about Texas being only second to China in numbers of annual “legal” executions.) “Maybe very little here,” I answered. “But maybe more elsewhere — and help to keep the issue alive here.” I feel I understand the concept of the lone voice in the wilderness, but organizations like the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty here to keep the embers of hope alive within me.

  102. Phyllis Turner Lawrence

    NCADP’s use of advanced Internet communications methods has enabled me, along with thousands of others, to take action to abolish the evil of capital punishment whenever and wherever possible.

  103. Dra Carmen Ruiz

    Soy Española y colaboro con varias organizaciones contra la pena de muerte:Internacionales y nacionales (Francia, España, USA ….NCADP pienso que está haciendo una magnífica labor a favor del primero de los derechos humanos. El de la vida.
    Carmen Ruiz

  104. Martina Quarati

    Death Penalty should be abolished totally. It is an unfair and cruel method, no matter what the crime is. NCADP is a light in the darkness of human’s mind and I will always support it.

  105. Angela M Jeannet

    I have supported NCADP for years. Killing a person who is imprisoned and totally unarmed, often after years of incarceration, has always seemed to me a barbarous act. But what is worse is the certainty that many innocent people have been killed by the State. NCADP is a very effective organization, and we owe a lot to its leaders and the many volunteers. Thank you NCADP

  106. The death penalty is inhumane, ineffective as a deterrent, and discriminatory. Thanks to the NCADP for helping us to make progress toward ending that barbarous and outdated custom. It has earned recognition and support.

  107. The National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty does very good work making Americans aware of the injustice system and the human and humanitarian reasons for abolishing the death penalty.

  108. NCADP is a great organization in the fight against the death penalty. I have found their webpage and email list useful both in providing information and in taking action. Keep up the good work!

  109. NCADP is doing a great job organizing to end the death penalty. Here’s hoping for continued success!

  110. I would like to state that the NACDP the site I go to for fresh updates on the death penalty around the country and believe me It means alot to me because I spent 16 1/2 years on the row myself and came within 7 hours of execution. Therefore it is very important to know just what is happening around the country.
    Thank you very much and God Bless You

    • Thanks for sharing, Billy!
      Any input on what is happening with Troy Davis since the last denial for re-trial, few days ago…??
      It is too quite all around right now.
      Keep on speaking out. Regards.

  111. In the past two years NCADP staff really reached out to Kentucky and we are benefitting tremendously by their use of online tools to keeps us informed and to help us build the support we need in Kentucky to end the use of death penalty. Keep up the great work.

  112. NCADP has a far reach with the support and training they provide to all of the state affiliates working on this issue as well. Their use of online tools has encouraged our use of online tools. They blogged, then we blogged, they facebooked, and then we facebooked. Supporting their online efforts will support our online efforts!

  113. I am very pleased with the work that NCADP does to abolish this horrible, error ridden practice.

  114. Jack Payden-Travers

    As an activist in both Virginia and North Carolina, I know how important NCADP’s website and blog postings are to those of us who work on this issue everyday. Their use of Twitter and Facebook are moving me into exloring these additional organizing tools. NCADP is to be congratulated and thanked for being there when needed.

  115. I support the NCADP because I am against the death penalty. Killing isn’t my idea of fun and Cesare Beccaria had it wright when he wrote Dei delitti e delle pene ( English: “On Crimes and Punishments”) between 1763 and 1764. He was a Marquis by the way. Cesare, Marquis of Beccaria was his full name. This time the light seems to have come from above.

    Joost Vandeputte, Gent, Belgium

  116. I think it’s great that NCADP has organized all these forces together in a brilliant network. Onward to abolition!

  117. Michael J. McCarthy

    !Adelante! all interconnected efforts to end the death penalty! NCADP has been a long and faithful worker in the vineyard for justice & peace and true respect life.

  118. As the wife of a man on death row, I am thankful beyond words for the existence and work of NCADP. Having also lost a close relative to murder I understand the depth of emotion surrounding this issue, and also the destruction a futile search for closure through vengeance can bring. I believe the work of NCADP and the abolishment of the death penalty is something that not only benefits those of us with loved ones on death row, but also those of us who are striving to honour our loved ones’ memories through respecting and fighting for all life.

  119. Margaret Shaffer

    Because of NCADP’s online alerts, I am able to keep informed and to mobilize members of my Buddhist Peace Fellowship chapter to act on behalf of prisoners pleading for retrial or clemency, and in support of legislation against the death penalty.

  120. As a past board member and a founding member of Murder Victims Families for Reconciliation, I am so pleased to see this great progress on our issue.
    Knowing and having been in the trenches and on the road with some of the dedicated people at NCADP
    – I can just say great work! for all of us and humanity!

  121. I regularly depend upon NCADP to keep me informed of the work of abolitionists nationwide and even worldwide. Just recently I sent a note to Gov. Richardson, thanking him and New Mexico for abolishing the death penalty. Great News indeed!

  122. I am proud to be a member of NCADP. And online networking and alerts are so critical to their work! They deserve this grant.

    Tara Osborne

  123. NCADP’s support was a determining factor for the creation of our state organization. It gave us hope to watch this impressive network of organizations share skills and experiences both at conferences and online. Since our founding in December of 2008 NCADP has, through emails or their website, provided us with many useful tools such as informational handouts and documents required for accreditation as a nonprofit. They have advised us on practical issues such as what contact management system will fit our needs; their online/phone workshops have improved our skill level, and their report of progress made in other states are keeping us informed and helping us find the energy to work for abolition in our state.

  124. Chris McLaughlin

    I’m thrilled to get info from NCADP via email and the web. I feel so connected to this movement, even as I go about my day-to-day.

  125. Christine Thomas

    Thank you! Your online tools make it easy to recruite supporters. This weekend at the Democratic State Party Convention in California, there was a resounding call with passionate support for abolition. The delegates passed a resolution with the Democratic Party calling for a legislative moratorium of the death penalty until California can comply with the recommendations of the California Commission on Justice’s recommendations for narrowing of the special circumstances making a case death qualifying (CA has 33) or moving to resentence to life without the possibility of parole being the maximum possible sentence. The response in support of this resolution was overwhelming. We need a lawmaker with the moral courage to write the bill for a legislative moratorium!

  126. Margaret Summers

    I urge the foundation to present NCADP with its award, as the organization has clearly made effective, creative and strategic use of social media to advance its goal of abolishing capital punishment in our country.

  127. Thanks for the work you are doing. I actually entered the movement for change on the issue of the death penalty–it was the first time I ever handed out a leaflet, when I was a young teenager. Keep up the struggle for justice.

  128. I’m a member of TCADP here in Texas and fully support the work of the NCADP. I too urge the foundation to present NCADP with this award. And how did I find out about this blog post? Via NCADP tweet on Twitter of course.

  129. The NCADP does a truly amazing job of keeping everyone up to date on the continually changing political developments related to the death penalty. The organization’s ability to mobilize thousands through a wide array of media certainly makes it worthy of this award.

  130. NCADP has moved aggressively to move old fogy organizers like me to take advantage of online mobilization to broaden the movement for abolition of the death penalty, to strengthen and deepen the commitments of supporters, and to use the web to provide new opportunities for engagement and activism.

  131. NCADP has provided tremendous support of our efforts in Texas and serves as an amazing model for online organizing. The Texas Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty is proud to be an affiliate of NCADP and aims to emulate their sophisticated and savvy use of new media.

  132. With everyone so busy these days just trying to make ends meet, NCADP does an amazing job with new media! They really understand how to use it in a way to make abolishing the death penalty accessible to a broad audience of people. Thank you for all the work you do!

  133. Abolitionists in Terre Haute, which is the home of the only Federal Death Row and killing chamber in the country, are grateful to NCADP for keeping us informed and up-to-date on what is happening around the country in regard to the death penalty. We need to have accurate facts as we speak out, and it is a great morale boost to hear about the progress of the movement in other states.

  134. Keep up the good work!

    NACDP does a wonderful job of highlighting the fight against the death penalty.

  135. When the death penalty in this country is finally abolished, the NCADP will be remembered as one of the very few organizations that confronted the evils of state killing from the very beginning.
    Its tireless efforts on behalf of its grassroots supporters, both as individuals and state entities will have helped to produce a major paradigm change in the moral acievements of the USA.

  136. The NCADP, of which the Texas Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty (TCADP) is a member organization, is a major player in efforts to abolish the death penalty in the United States. The most recent success was abolition of the death penalty in New Mexico. Prior to that the death penalty was abolished in New Jersey. The organization also organizes a national conference each year to promote abolition of the death penalty.

  137. By combining traditional grass-roots organizing principles with the latest technological mediums, NCADP continues to demonstrate how to build successful abolition campaigns around the country.

  138. I was the League of Women Voters of New Mexico representative on the New Mexico Coalition to Repeal the Death Penalty. The information and resources provided to us by NCADP was crucial in our victory in New Mexico. League commented on the resources provided ot them so that they could effectively lobby their legislators.

  139. Liza Zajac Whitehead

    The NCADP makes great use of facebook, I always appreciate the updates on their great work. I find it’s the most convenient way to keep up to date and informed on NCADP’s vital activities.

  140. As a new staffer for the Kentucky Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty, I am indebted to the outstanting social networking capabilities provided and managed by the National Coaltion to Abolish the Death Penalty. The interplay among the website, Facebook, Twitter, Abe’s Blog, email and conference calls is skillfullly orchestrated and the substative materials are top notch.

  141. I don’t know what we in Missouri would do in our efforts to end state killing without the real time support and calls for action we get from NCADP. They keep us constantly updated on what is happening nationally–and sometimes even in our own back yard. I have no doubt that America will join the civilized world in abolishing this brutal practice. As a result of the efforts of NCADP, I’m sure it will be sooner rather than later.

  142. NCADP has been a vital support to efforts in Ohio.

    Our staff would not be so well-supported if not for NCADP’s trainings, conferences and organizing tools provided.

  143. US is the only western country with death penalty. I hope US get rid of it soon so the rest of the world could follow.
    Thank NCADP for all you can do to abolish the death penalty.

  144. Thank you for your good work

  145. As the director in New Mexico, I can attest to the great help NCADP gave us via their online network! They are an amazing organization, and truly helped with each step of our campaign — and their online resources made all the difference in the world in getting this bill passed last month.

    Rock on, NCADP!

  146. The death penalty does nothing to stop crime. In fact, states that have the death penalty have higher rates of violent crime. Maybe the United States should wake up to this fact??? The death penalty isn’t about anything except revenge and its getting quite old.

  147. Keep up the good work. It is a shame that the US is the only industrialized nation still with the death penalty. It is time we get out of the dark ages. Thanks for all you do to abolish the death penalty.

  148. Thanks to NCADP for all your great work to move society toward life.

  149. Anonymous NCAD Supporter

    Almost everyone’s first instinct is to “pay back” a heinous crime with death to the perpetrator. (What child has never shouted “I’ll kill you!”?) It is society’s role to rein in that instinct, to demonstrate a real belief in the sanctity of human life. So far, most of America has resisted that role for our society – odd indeed for a nation in which so many proudly call themselves “religious.” NCAD is helping to teach us.

  150. We have no right to label ourselves civilized whilst the barbaric practice of the death penalty is still in existence…I live in the UK we abolished capital punishment many years ago and banned guns. The good people of the USA need to work harder to ban guns from their streets and make the law around the holding and use of them stricter, I think that thought the death penalty is wrong whilst gun culture is so strong serious fatal crimes will continue and the mechanisms to reducing serious crime need to be worked on just as enthusiatically.

  151. What a great help NCADP was during the Wisconsin referendum campaign, two years ago! I appreciate all that NCADP did then, and does now, to oppose capital punishment.

    Arthur Thexton
    VP, Wisc. Coalition Against the Death Penalty

  152. As a trained professional killer, trained by the U.S. Army, and a person with limited income and transportation means, NCADP allows me to act on my thoughts about the death penalty; which can be summed up in the too infrequently quoted bit of philosophy, “Just what part of ‘Thou shall not kill’ don’t you understand?”

  153. Rosemary Everett

    We must eliminate the death penalty across America. Thank you for moving this effort forward.

  154. As an abolitionist in CA (the state with the most inmates on death row) NCADP has been absolutely instrumental in connecting me with a network of abolitionists across the country and is a vital resource for information and ways to get involved in furthering this cause and humanity.

  155. Annette O. Bigler

    The death penalty is a 17th century barbaric act that should be abolished. Keep up the good work. Texas and Mississippi will be your greatest challenges.

  156. Richard Conser

    The NCADP is particularly valuable to us in Illinois in keeping us informed through their online resources on developments in other states. The nationwide trend toward abolition in favor of LWOP and victim support is helpful in recruiting supporters and, eventually, convincing legislators.

  157. Thomas W. Muther, Jr.

    It was not that long ago that the tide of state-sponsored-revenge seemed posed to engulf every state in the union. In 1994, Kansas became the 38th state to embrace this archaic legacy from a barbaric past, and it appeared inevitable that several other states, like Iowa, would soon become victim to its empty promises of deterrence and relief for victim’s surviving family members. But then–almost magically–the tide turned. The efforts to install the death penalty in Iowa, Massachusetts and elsewhere fell short. And now New York, New Jersey, and New Mexico (I guess we need more states with “New” in their name) have abolished capital punishment with strong movements in several other states to follow suit. It’s been an amazing turnaround. But it wasn’t really magical. These successes were the result of the dedicated efforts of thousands of individuals, coordinated by many state and national organizations, not least among them, the NCADP. Civilization’s torturous, detour plagued advance owes them much.

  158. I am so glad this ws psoted..thankyou, and together we all can ABOLISH THE DEATH PENALTY..

  159. Camille Landry

    NCADP has evolved into one of the more effective national advocacy organizations that I’ve had the pleasure to work with. The organization’s use of new and non-traditional media is one of the things that makes it stand out from the crowd.

    The new media strategies are very effective organizing and team-building tools. They are a real boon to state- and local-level organizations, which often lack the ability to mount effective communications strategies.

    Thanks, NCADP, for sharing the wealth, and for all you continue to do, to rid our nation of barbaric and outmoded vengeance in the name of justice.


  161. Jeannette Matuska

    NCADP is an active, compassionate and smart organization that is mobilizing people all over the country to stand up to this awful and corrupt system which somehow continues simply out of ignorance. We need more organizations like this!

  162. Ioanna Ioannidou

    I believe that the NCADP is doing a great work to help end the barbaric and unhuman death penalty in the US. The organization deserves real aknowledgement.

  163. NCADP does a great job using social media to quickly inform people of developments on the death penalty issue and organize them to take action.

  164. Sister Mary Brigid Clingman O.P.

    I first began using the resources of the NCADP back in the 80’s when I was on the board of the Michigan Coalition Against the Death Penalty. Michigan was the first government to abolish capital punishment and we had a major threat to our stance at that time. As a member of the National Coalition for Jail/Prison Ministries, I was delighted when our Michael McGauph Award was received by the former governor of NM for commuting all inmates on death row. The award has been given to many other death penalty opponents over the years. As a member of the Dominican family, I was able to be instrumental in our congregation taking a corporate stance against the death penalty to be presented to the Human Rights Commission of the United Nations.

  165. The workshops at the conferences have been crucial in arming myself and fellow exonorees to go out and fight the death penalty.

  166. Victoria L. Nobles

    NCADP is wonderful organization that brings awareness and humanity to an all too-often uninformed and cold world.

  167. Diane H. Fabian

    It is time for the US to leave this barbaric practice behind, and join the rest of the modern world. The death penalty has proved to be ineffective as a crime deterrent. Our courts/justice system are imperfect, and innocent people are, in fact, convicted. The death penalty does nothing but show the world how brutal and primitive we still are.

  168. Steve Pohlmeyer

    NCADP does important work for the nation! Viva abolition of the death penalty!

  169. Keep up the great work, you area opening avenues for others to express their opposition to the death penalty and raising awareness about the real harm the US’s approach to crime and punishment is doing.

  170. I oppose the death penalty for all the obvious reasons stated above and because it actually requires more $ spent to put a person to death than it does to keep them in prison for life because of all the appeals which are paid for with taxpayer dollars. It doesn’t even make financial sense to put a person to death.

  171. If it were not for NCADP’s online resources, I’m not sure what we would do in Nebraska for fast action in our fight for abolition. In a state so red that our college team’s slogan is “Go Big Red,” we’d be lost. If NCADP were a single person, I would have already given him/her a giant smooch of gratitude.

  172. NCADP does a great job of using social media. The death penalty needs to be abolished, both here and around the world! NCADP is working hard to get rid of the death penalty.

  173. NCADP is really the glue that is holding us together in the abolition movement. Its leadership in using new tools of communication is inspirational and the staff is willing and able to share these skills. Our message is getting out to new people every day because of this leadership.

  174. ncadp is good.

  175. als aktiver gegner der todesstrafe befasse ich mich täglich mit diesem thema. als im maerz die todesstrafe in new mexico abgeschafft wurde hat sich wieder einmal gezeigt, wieviel jeder einzelne doch bewirken kann.weiter so!
    keep on fighting!


    La pena di morte è una vergogna per l’intera umanità e deve essere abolita ovunque. Grazie a NCADP per gli sforzi messi in atto al fine di raggiungere questo meraviglioso obiettivo.

  177. Never have believed in the death penalty, it is not a determent.
    My prayers are with you all! I stand firmly behind your organization!

  178. I am grateful for the work NCADP (and others) did in laying the ground work for the wonderful work over such a long time that has lead to the the abolition of the death penalty in more states. I look forward to seeing the great work continue through social media and other venues.

  179. Frank Dunbaugh

    I strongly support abolishing the death penalty, and I am an admirer of Dian Rust Tierney (who I have known since she was a law student) and the many other dedicated people who are working diligently on the abolition effort.

    However, I am very concerned that their recent “successes”, such as New Mexico, are counter productive and will in the long run diminish the chances that the death penalty will be abolished in the United States. My reasons for feeling this way were set forth in my response to someone who invited me to a prayer meeting to support the abolition effort here in Maryland. My letter stated:

    “Thank you for keeping me informed.

    I will not be participating in the prayer session for the four following reasons.

    1. I prefer to challenge the death penalty on legal grounds, rather than moral or religious grounds. In my view, the authority of the government to kill its inhabitants was derived from the claimed Divine Right of the King. [God can kill, so if the King was God’s agent, he also could kill.] When we Americans threw the King’s ass out, we also eliminated his Divine Right. This was replaced, both in the Declaration of Independence and, even more specifically, in the Maryland Constitution with the concept that the new government derived its powers solely from the people and was limited to the authority consigned to the government by the people. This should end the death penalty in Maryland. First, the Maryland constitution does not explicitly provide the General Assembly with the authority to impose a death penalty. While there is a provision that refers to capital cases, one should not provide the awesome power of the death penalty by implication, rather than a direct conferring of the power. Second, since the people do not have the authority to kill one another, the people can not delegate that authority to the state. It is not theirs to delegate. For religious people, the power to kill remains with God. We (our founding fathers and mothers) clearly did not ever say or imply in any way that the King’s claimed Devine Rights were passed on to our independent democratic governments.

    2. I see no use in seeking help from a fictitious super hero who is supposed to perform miracles. I do not believe in miracles.

    3. I see no use in asking for a legislative change that has not been proposed to the Legislature. My understanding is that the bill before the Maryland General Assembly does not abolish the death penalty, but only changes the manner of killing the convicted offender from lethal injection to death by imprisonment.

    4. I see little good coming from the current legislative effort. If the bill is passed, it may help to convince people in other states that support for the death penalty is waning nationally and that it has eroded in Maryland.

    However, the actual achievement is poor, because (in my judgment) slow death by imprisonment is not more humane than quick death by lethal injection. Gary Gilmore, the first person to be executed after the U.S. Supreme court in 1976 lifted its ban on the death penalty in Gregg v. Georgia (428 U.S. 153), accepted his fate, telling the Utah Supreme Court just a few days before his scheduled execution, that he did not wish to spend his life in prison. It would make more sense and be more humane to allow the condemned person to choose his or her manner of being killed. Gilmore could have chosen to be hanged. Instead, he chose to be shot by a firing squad. Cleopatra chose an asp (a venomous snake). I would expect most male prisoners, given the choice, to ask the state to hire a prostitute to fuck them to death. [More executions at less expense.]

    In addition, and this is important, passage of the current “life without parole” bill will kill the anti-death penalty movement in Maryland, and will saddle Maryland’s taxpayers with more prison construction and the extra costs of geriatric prisoners, because no Governor dares to challenge the Willie Horton syndrome. Since Gov. Glendening shut down lifer paroles in 1995, only 13 lifers have been paroled and most of them for medical reasons to save the state money by letting them die on the streets with no medical care.

    These are only my personal views.

    — Frank Dunbaugh 410-974-0555”

  180. I am very grateful for the work of NCADP and they are so good at keeping us here overseas informed of all that goes on via their online media.
    God bless all the do we teach our children it is wrong to kill if we kill as punishment?That does not make sense.I pray with all my heart the DP will be abolished in every state!!

  181. Raphael Schweri

    Keep up the good work. Anything we can do to get rid of killing people is good.

  182. One of the most overlooked and seldom mentioned effects of the death penalty is the horrible victimizing of innocent people. This collateral damage is most disheartening when one looks at the immediate family of the death row denizen. What they suffer through is truly cruel and unusual.
    Even though I was Innocent–exonerated after two years on death row after the confession of the law enforcement officer who was the real murderer–my family suffered greatly. My mother would not come out of the house for two years because of peer pressure. She had a son on death row.
    Even her closest friends did not know how to greet her at the super market, drug store or on the street. What do you say to a mother who is grieving as the state prosecutor gets to kill her son? It will not be alright. Time will not heal these wounds. Tomorrow or next week or next month will not be better. Others, mostly strangers, but also a few so called friends were not so kind to her and did not remain silent. She quit church when someone sitting in the back row of pews loudly called out, “Murderer. Rapist.” As she walked out of that church, in tears with her shawl over her head in shame, she probably never heard the people admonishing the loud mouth.
    She was shunned by the local society that had, in the past, respected her and relied on her outgoing personality to bolster the morale at community and social gatherings. She became a recluse. Even after I was exonorated she remained so. She died in sadness, never recovering her love of life and former status as a pillar of our community. I wonder if she ever understood that she shunned society more than they shunned her. My grandmother was a little stronger. She, at least, went to church. Some say that Grandpa went to church only to defend Grandma from the ridicule. I think it was so he could argue with people who talked about me, and so he could shake his ever present cane at them. I really loved that old man. He taught me how to fish.
    Execution is not a death such as a car accident. An accidental death. A death that can be forgiven or excused. This killing is slow and calculated. It takes an average of ten years to execute a man. Throughout the appeals, which last many years and cost an average $3,200,000.00 per person, I wonder if families of the executed are aware of the indignity of even having to pay for that death with their tax dollars. Several times these men were innocent and the family knew it.
    My father planned his suicide for months. He was saved, just in time by the news of my exoneration. A few days later and the state would have got a death anyway as he had already purchased the gun.
    Probably the worst effects of all were inflicted on my kids.
    Peer pressure is perhaps the most profound on school age children. Children can be cruel and outright vicious. “Your daddy is a Murderer.” “Your daddy rapes people.” “They should have killed him.” “How do we know he did not do it? ” “My dad says that your dad got out because of a slick lawyer.” ” My mom says she better not see him at any school functions or she will give him a piece of her mind.” “Our parents are watching him when he is around kids.” This all happened even though my daughters were born years after my release. I would get that phone call from the school to come and pick up a daughter as she was in distress. As she sat crying, waiting for me to leave work to come and get her she didn’t know that I was also wiping the tears off my face . These were innocent little girls. What did they ever do to deserve this? How can God let this happen to them? It became an ordeal to make them go to school every day. They shuddered at the thought of it. Changing schools (six times) worked only for a short time until the cat calling started again. They never did graduate. They both quit when they became old enough to do so. What a total waste of a human mind. One of the girls has an IQ of about 160.
    My only thanks is that this did not happen when I was on the row. They did not have to live through the debacle of a justice system that is allowing the state to kill their daddy. Thousands of other innocent children were not so lucky. I wonder what it is like for them to have to carry that burden. I wonder how mothers answer that much dreaded question, “Why do they have to kill my daddy”.
    Ronald Keine

    • How more lethal can ignorance and bigotry be?
      Best wishes to you and your family.

    • I’ve used some of your testimony before to bolster my arguments against the DP, and I’ll probably use these comments as well in future. You are so right. No one–at least no one who is a supporter of capital punishment will look at the new category of victims created by the death penalty. I’ve known Barbara Lewis, who’s son is on the row in Delaware, for years and have often cited her horrific sufferings in my blogging on subject DP. And then there is the Robisons on Texas, who’s son was executed a few years ago. I had the pleasure of spending a good deal of time with Ken Robison a few years ago, and even when he wasn’t speaking of his son’s plight, you could sense the sadness and anxiety that permeated his existence through and through. Terri Steinberg–another Mom with a son on death row–is another who’s tears I’ve witnessed too many times. And on and on. The thousands on death row, multiplied who knows how many times–by the number of people who love them–the number who are savaged by having to participate in putting them top death–these victims do not exist in the mind of most death penalty supporters, who thus become victims of the medieval practice themselves, their ability to empathize crippled. What a truly destructive and tragic legacy the DP bequeathes society.

      Anyway, thanks Ron for sharing your painful experiences so that–hopefully–some more eyes might be opened.


  183. It is good thing for any organisation that opposes the death penalty and even better for one that works to remove what is a barbaric act by a government upon its citizens.

  184. Grazia Guaschino

    You are doing a great job. We must get rid of this horrible relic of babarism.

  185. A growing number of the most conservative people I know have profound feelings that innocent inmates have been killed and some appear to be considering that our criminal justice system is too flawed and the stakes-not to mention the monetary costs- are too high to get wrong. As I keep telling them, that is just the tip of the iceberg…anyone who looks even an inch further into the reality of how and why cases are tried as capital murder is astounded. Hopefully some day shame will out-weigh vengeance.

    For myself- I just know that human nature being what it is, putting the state in the position of handing out death sentences is completely wrong. That is just the first reason at the top of a long list of reasons I oppose the death penalty.

  186. As a Christian and a newcomer to this issue, working with NCADP has allowed me to examine the death penalty issue very closely and from a spiritual and Biblical perspective. We hadn’t really thought of it before, but now we work (online as well) to spread the word, information, and knowledge about this ungodly practice.

  187. Thank goodness for this organization that does
    so much to eliminate the abomnation called the death penalty. We need to bring this country into the 21st century with compassion.

    • Thank you, NCADP, for consistently keeping me updated on the struggle to end the death penalty. Your emails and web page information are critical to my work as a teacher of justice.

  188. To me, this issue is NOT negotiable….The Lord provided us with just ten commandments that we must live by and one of them is:


    In My Opinion: SMKrider

  189. This is a great cause and a great organization. They’re doing a fantastic job utilizing social media to get their message out, and they deserve our support!

  190. “Death belongs to God alone. By what right do men touch that unknown thing?”–Victor Hug0

  191. The Revd Edwin Beckham

    Keep up the good work, NCADP! No one, and certainly not the modern nation-state, should be in the business of executing. Cruel and unusual doesn’t begin to describe the problems with capital punishment.

  192. All means are good to help NCADP abolish death penalty…

  193. Sheila Goldner

    The National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty is doing great work! Tookie Williams could have made a big difference if Governor Schwarzenegger hadn’t executed him.

  194. My support to an organization that works against a system so mired in flaw, bigotry & bias, in favor of merciful persecution, we live in a world that is fine, but there is crime and injustice, and yes, these should be punished in their own way, but to ask life for life, to take a man’s life, we only return to our base, it’s barbaric. Thank NCADP for working against this. As a resident of Georgia, and a long-time follower of the Troy Davis case, I thank them especially for their tireless work on his behalf.

  195. End the death penalty.

  196. I am so thankful for the technological advancements NCADP has made that keeps me active in a cause I am passionate about. Without their weekly updates and newsletters, I would not be able to stay on top of the issue and educate my friends and classmates. The work they do is f the utmost importance: life, and trying to keep our country from forgetting about the value of life. Thank you for all you do.

  197. I 100% support NCADP!

  198. marina isenburg

    I live in Italy, I am a lawyer and I am very interested by your organization and activity. I will support your struggle because I am against the death penalty, for any reason.
    Your internet information is of the greatest importance to inform and update peolpe.
    Marina Isenburg

  199. National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty does great work. We should abolish the death penalty everywhere.

  200. The NCADP is a truly enlightened organization laboring on behalf of an enlightened cause. I’m grateful to them for the work they are doing.

  201. Robert Badinter was instrumental to abolish Death penalty in France. I support your fight.
    Lucienne Latour

  202. The day will come when we no longer murder people to punish them for committing murder.

  203. I’ve spent decades opposing the death penalty and never imagined the movement would have the kind of momentum I see today. Many newcomers oppose it because of the economic impact and that is completely valid. In addition, it does not make us safer and is an embarrassment to our moral standing in the world.

  204. NCADP is providing the infrastructure for citizens to learn, speak up, and act.

  205. Gerald Bettice

    As a pro-life person I support the mission and work of the NCDAP, especially for its advocacy and for its efforts to educate all of us about the true cost of taking the lives of those executed by state killing.

  206. The NCADP is a vital voice in the struggle for abolition and for providing resources and support to so many of us who are working to end the death penalty in our states. I am deeply grateful for the NCADP and proud to support them.

  207. The NCADP does great work in raising people’s conciousness on a very important issue. The organization uses technology very effectively in promoting the abolition of the death penalty. It deserves the support of everyone.

  208. Thanks to NCADP and other organizations which inform, inspire and lead us in the struggle to end the death penalty — and work for the life and dignity of all persons.

  209. NCADP is a real leader in the fight against death penalty. Life is the most beautiful treasure we have and this organisation informs, acts and spreads the word in order to eliminate that inhuman practice.

  210. Thanks for all that you do–I have been a NCADP member for several years, and I am thrilled that you are taking advantage of every opportunity to expand your network and urge action via social networking and new media.

  211. Piero Masarati

    NCADP deserves all our support in the struggle to abolish the Death Penalty, a very important step towards a more civilized world.

  212. My brother is scheduled to be executed August 20th. He has proclaimed his innocense from day one, and was convicted on circumstancial evidence and false jail house informant testimony. Your efforts are appreciated.

  213. NCADP is a real leader in the fight against death penalty. Life is our best and most wonderful treasure and this organisation informs, acts and spreads the word in order to eliminate that inhuman practice.

  214. I have been a member of NCADP for years. The health of our society can be measured by how we treat the most challenging members of our community. NCADP is working tirelessly to make ours a healthy, just society.

  215. Peter Crownfield

    It’s great to see NCADP listed here — I think it’s been exceptionally effective in the long-running struggle to abolish the death penalty. Its work to educate legislators and the general public about this cruel, ineffective, and immoral practice sets the tone for other organizations. Here in Pennsylvania, where we are still struggling on this issue, NCADP’s efforts have been a big help!

  216. William Minneman

    NCADP is very effective in leveraging its email network around legislative efforts related to capital punishment as well as appeals to stop specific executions. May this group continue their vital struggle against this inhuman practice. Capital punishment is a cause for shame to all citizens of a country whose laws condone it.

  217. NCADP has been around for years an their work is absolutely essential. Keep working and fighting NCADP!

  218. This is a truly great cause. No good comes of the death penalty…none. I applaud the NCADP. Keep up the great work!

  219. Carrie Biggs-Adams

    This organization does great activism on an important issue. Their emails and advisorys are well written and concise – so that I always open them as soon as they come. The Death Penalty doesn’t make us safer or a better place – it is time for it to go!

  220. NCADP does an essential job of campaigning against the death penalty and of keeping it’s supporters up to date with developments, spreading the word far and wide.

  221. Abolishing the death penalty is one small step toward the recognition of the sacredness of all human life, born and unborn. We have no right to kill.

  222. This is an amazing organization that is saving lives and moving our society into a new generation of social and political consciousness by helping to eliminate the most barbaric act our government allows: state murders.

  223. The one thing that can be said about this organization is that they can deliver – they make an impact and fight hard for what they believe in. A well run organization that provides compassion and common sense to the death penalty debate.

  224. This is an enormously important issue, both for human rights and for the place of the US in the world. It is also a woefully neglected issue. God bless you for what you are doing.

  225. The continued use of the Death Penalty reduces the humanity of all of us. The promise that it will somehow comfort the survivors seems as big a lie as the promise that Justice is fair or impartial in choosing who to execute. Justice is blind, but Injustice is destructive to Humanity’s future.

  226. The work of the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty should be commended for their innovative use of the internet to help repeal of the death penalty in New Mexico in March. Please support this organizations future efforts.

  227. The NCADP needs our support. we need a safer world and crime can not be stopped by inducing the death penalty. the death penalty needs to be abolished and we need to work on much more effective ways of creating a better and safer society for all. The NCADP raises awareness AND creates civil action that CAN bring change. We NEED them! Thank you for all you efforts. Sincerely Natascha Roth

  228. Steve Jens-Rochow

    The NCADP has made amazing progress recently in abolishing the Death Penalty recently in several states. Abe Bonowitz, the Director of Floridians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty [FADP] for many years, has done an amazing part of that work. He was an effective, empowering leader in Florida; I enjoyed working with him.
    Steve Jens-Rochow
    Broward County Rep for FADP

  229. Blood is not washed away by more blood. Now is the time to repeal every state’s death penalty statute. It can be done!

  230. The NCADP does wonderful work to illuminate the injustice inherent within capital punishment. Their work continues to be an invaluable resource to advocating for human rights.

  231. The state of Georgia is trying to execute Troy Davis instead of giving him a new trial, which he desperately needs and rightly deserves. 7 out of 9 witnesses have recanted their testimony. 1 of the remaining 2 witnesses is believed to be the real killer. The NCADP’s efforts are essential to preventing future injustices like this. And its efforts to build the movement through electronic media has been exemplary. The millions we spend executing people should be put to far better use.

  232. It is refreshing to see non-profits such as NCADP and TxCADP utilize social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, blogs) to promote reality-based social action, versus the typical use of social media as a diversion from reality.

    Praying for the continued good work of NCADP and TxCADP,

  233. It is hard to believe that the United States has not yet banned the death penalty. Unfortunately, there is still much work to do in this country to convince more people that this nightmarish, state-sponsored murder must be stopped immediately. Thank goodness for the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty! I hope this wonderful organization will receive your support to continue their very important work. In my opinion, the importance of banning the death penalty is far reaching. Having a state support such policies, order such horrific acts, conveys to a public that cruelty, violence and waste, in this regard and in other instances, is acceptable, justifiable and even honorable. Is it then any surprise that some misguided souls may have thought that torturing foreign prisoners and supporting an illegal war in Iraq was okay, justifiable? So many have expressed shock and surprise in reaction to the release of ‘enemy combatants’ being tortured, but is this really a big surprise when such inhumane, torturous and murderous acts have been occurring here in United States prisons, on a regular basis, for a very long time? One only must look around them to see such instances of shocking behavior alive nd well in our midst. We live in a culture which, unfortunately, has for a long time glamorized cruelty, violence, murder and war. It is long past time we move away from this and protect those vulnerable in our society from governmental entities which would see them subjected to horrors. Who has the right to order one man to put another to the death penalty? No one. Thank you for your interest in such groups as the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty.

  234. NCADP is a rich source of ideas and assistance for our efforts against the death penalty in Ohio.

  235. I hope that we as a nation eventually see the light not only that the death penalty is morally wrong, but that it is impossible to be absolutely sure of their guilt- what about the folks getting executed now for crimes which happened before all had the right to free council? My state, Texas, is the worst at this. They falsely accuse, get a tricky conviction, and send them to be murdered! For what? Re-election? What a shame!
    The real disgusting part is that all the way thru college, they promote the teaching that the death peanalty is really cheaper, and who wants living “criminals” anyhow… It’s the opposite! Once you go thru appeals and legal needs to kill someone, it costs more to kill them than to keep them alive for the rest of their lives! Not to mention- what’s a human life worth?
    So thank you for spreading the word about groups like National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty – we need more!

  236. What a worthy cause. I’m proud to support this group.

  237. I vote for NCADP.

  238. Patrick K. Pogue

    Long live the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty! Give them an award!

  239. I live lots of kilometers far from you but I support
    your wonderful work- I would like to live in a
    world with no death penalty. Politicians should un
    derstand that death penalty does not help to have
    a world with no violence, but to increase it.

  240. As a member of the advisory board of the Coalition of Arizonans to Abolish the Death Penalty who corresponds with and visits inmates on death row regularly, I find NCADP an invaluable source of information.

  241. I have been suporting the effort of the NCADP for more than ten years. And their efforts still need to be supported. This organization has made an awfully good work and certainly needs a lot of grants to accomplish its invaluable efforts for the human rights.

  242. Victoria Kaplan

    I congratulate NCADP on its important work to reach a broader audience in support of abolition of the death penalty.

  243. I did not know anything about this organisation,
    Death penalty is an useless punishment and does
    not help to avoid violence. This organisation can
    be very useful

  244. I vote for NCADP.

  245. Michael Barrach

    2 wrongs do not make a right!

    Even with that said, we cannot continue the death penalty until our justice system is PERFECT, and I believe that is impossible. How many innocent people have been murdered by our bad system? Noone knows. But we do know it happens, and it is wrong.

  246. This group is doing fine work & influencing many of the sacredness of all life. May it help us all realize that violence will never prevent violence.

  247. The U.S. cannot be a beacon of light and liberty to the rest of the world, encouraging Democracy, equal rights and fair treatment, while at home we end the chance of redemption by killing our convicted. We go to war over the killing of innocents, but through inherent human flaw innocents are have gone through our legal system, been convicted and put to death. That fact alone is reason enough for the NCADP to continue waging this important war on the death penalty so that Americans see and change this double standard.

  248. As a member of NCADP I feel very strongly about the positive work it is doing to raise the awareness of people who know surprisingly little about the low results of the death penalty as a crime deterrent, among many other issues as well.

  249. As the cost of the death penalty begins to appear on the radar screen, NCADP deserves credit and continued support for giving legitimacy and significant aid to the abolition movement.

  250. The NCADP has the most well organized email system of the organizations sending out emails. It is very effective at mobilizing its base and getting people to act digitally to make their voice heard!

  251. ncadp has been so effective in enabling me to be aware of current death penalty situations and to advocate for both individuals at risk and for abolition of the death penalty itself.

  252. The NCADP is an awesome organization, and is doing a great job of using new media to contact people.

  253. I have already read all the comments. Some of
    them have helped me to realize that there are lots
    of people in the United States who are against death penalty, as you can ses death penalty is death
    again. Killing somebody who has killed That does
    not help to have a better world

  254. Ellen Irwin Saal

    I think that the NCADP is fantastic and I am impressed with all of the things that this organization is able to accomplish. Thanks for all of your hard work NCADP!!

  255. Sunshine Schmidt

    This is such a wonderful organization that truly does so much to help create change. NCADP truly deserves this award!

  256. I think it will be like the end of the Iron Curtain — the wall fell and everything else went after. The death penalty is falling. When Texas, the symbolic “impossible” falls, everything else will go. Texas Friends and Allies Against the Death Penalty, NCADP — go, go, go!

  257. Cynthia Johnson

    The NCADP is a great organization. Together we can fight to abolish the death penalty.

  258. I’m proud to support this group, and proud to live in a state that is being so progressive in its stance.

  259. I know what Dr. Martin Luther King Jr would say today about the death penalty in the US. He would repeat what Mahatma Ghandi said, “An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.”

    And I know that thanks to the NCADP, I have learned more about this unnecessary and cruel practice. I am attemting to help save the life of death row inmate Troy Davis in Georgia. I will rely on NCADP to keep me an updated on how to contiue such efforts.

  260. Susannah Allison

    NCADP has documented how it has successfully used social network sites to get the message out effectively regarding abolishing the death penalty. I think awarding the money to NCADP would be an excellent way to build on the momentum created by the recent turn of events in New Mexico and help to promote abolition throughout the country!

  261. NCADP has been the ONE organization I have turned to for continual updating – and actions – during the long span of my abolition work (against the death penalty) for two and 1/2 decades!

    While I live in NC, most of my death penalty activism has been rooted in SC.

    Because SC is closer geographically & I’ve been personally connected these years with prisoners, family members & have attended most of the vigils which have occurred in that state , I’ve been quite frustration that SC folk could not really get off the ground. NOW, thanks to NCADP (and Amnesty) we are at last on our way.

    This is what I’ve been hoping for: an inclusion of those from a variety of backgrounds: an inter-generational mix of family members and other activists – academically-oriented and not, professional and not – our time has come!

    With the help of both Amnesty folk AND NCADP – we are at last a unit with lots of support – we ARE going to make waves at last!
    NC take note!

    Anna Shockley spelled it all out // April 26, 2009 at 2:40 am | in the blog she left here above – I’m re-printing this in full:

    NCADP’s support was a determining factor for the creation of our state organization. It gave us hope to watch this impressive network of organizations share skills and experiences both at conferences and online. Since our founding in December of 2008 NCADP has, through emails or their website, provided us with many useful tools such as informational handouts and documents required for accreditation as a nonprofit. They have advised us on practical issues such as what contact management system will fit our needs; their online/phone workshops have improved our skill level, and their report of progress made in other states are keeping us informed and helping us find the energy to work for abolition in our state.

  262. I am grateful for all of NCADP’s efforts to make it easy for armchair abolitionists like me to stay up to date on the things I can easily do to make death penalty abolition a reality across the globe.

  263. I have been a contributor to my state’s affiliate, the Illinois Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty, for many years. I often receive email from the National Coalition, asking for assistance with actions. Most recently, they informed me of the pending legislation in New Mexico, and I wrote to Gov. Richardson as the Coalition requested. As you may know, a number of innocent death row inmates have been released in Illinois. We cannot know how many innocent have been put to death. The word must get out in as many ways possible that the death penalty is and always will be flawed.

  264. The NCADP does heroic work for the last, lost and least. Where we need to be.

  265. I am embarrassed that our great nation still allows this barbaric punishment! I am grateful a great organization like NCADP is working to abolish this practice and the day WILL COME. They have transformed themselves in this electronic age which allows them to reach more people and spread the word. I am proud to support this cause & this organization!

  266. Kenneth Trauger

    I vote for the grant to come to NCADP from the funding source. Let end the death penalty or have a no death alternative.

  267. As a fmaily member of a victim of homicide, I realize the important contribution of NCADP towards the goal of eradicating the perpetuation of violence as an answer to violence. Their efforts on a national level are critical.

  268. Thank you for considering the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty for funding. I have worked for Abolition since 1976 and I was a part of conversations that started the organization when it was practically a volunteer based operation out of a closet-sized office. It has developed over the years into a highly respected movement that is achieving unbelievable results. This is a crucial time for the NCADP to receive funding and all kinds of support. Abolition and ridding our country of this horror is actually within view. It will be a glorious day when we can celebrate the end of this barbaric and violent institution. Thank you!

  269. NCADP provides updated information about death penalty related activities and legislation across the country through a variety of mechanisms. If I want to know something about a specific case or repeal effort, I am sure to find information from them through their website, facebook, twitter, press releases, or newsletter “lifelines.” NCADP also provides leadership training to affiliate organizations to provide them with the skills or support they need to make social change at the state level.

  270. NCADP is a great organization.

  271. Barbara Hansen, OP

    emails and website of NCADP help keep folks like me up to date and involved. Thanks.

  272. I urge you with all the passion and push I can muster to please consider giving the grant money to this tremendous organization. One out of every eight people is incorrectly incarcerated. If it can happen to him or her–it can happen to you. Or to someone you love. Whether it ever does or not, open your heart. What about the people who have been killed in the name of the law (unjustly)? Murder is murder is murder is wrong. I’m not a bleeding heart liberal; I happen not to believe in taking life that’s not ours to give or take. They’re not asking for that much, and they will spread it out, use it good, make it stretch. If you choose them for this grant, I will match it with a $500 gift.

  273. James Zelinski

    I and my confreres count on NCADP for keeping us informed on the significant matters around the death penalty. We appreciate very much how it can mobilize us to act on pending death penalties, when action is needed on legislation as well as keeping us informed on the various aspects of the abolition of this medieval practice.

  274. Thanks for keeping us updated and informed, and giving us opportunities to make a difference.

  275. I am a supporter of the NCADP and I can attest to the fact that they always keeps thier supporters informed. I get constant email updates and their emails always have links where I can find more information. They also blog about any important event so you can know what’s going on without having to leave your desk! I feel this system of informing people is very important for busy people like me who don’t have much free time on their hands! Thanks NCADP!

  276. I am thankful for all the work NCADP does. May they be successful in all their efforts.

  277. I write to speak for NCADP and the huge effect they can put a $3,000.00 grant to.

    I have been kept abreast for serveal years of the incredible level of energy & dedication this group of people brings to their tasks. They are bright, tuned in, and experiencing an incredible rate of growth, both in their base of support and the breadth of their reach.

    Their national reach is also worthy of your consideration.

    Greg Austin
    Attorney at Law
    Portland, Oregon

  278. NCADP raises awareness about the several issues of the death penalty. NCADP not only points out the inequity in the application of the death penalty; it also takes an active role in preventing the death penalty. I believe that the death penalty is a violation of fundamental human rights.

  279. This is an effort we need to champion and this is a time when we can move ahead.

  280. Naomi Rabinowitz, MD

    As a physician, I am appalled that we Americans still sanction murder by the State. Worse still is that some physicians, sworn to do no harm, participate in these executions. I strongly support the work of NCADP and hope that the organization is successful in eradicating the death penalty everywhere.

  281. NCADP is an efficient and sophisticated organisation its work in a vital field is outstanding, it is one of few organisations which provides both excellent information on the issues involved and a brilliant communication network for those opposed to the death penalty within the United States and across the globe, I have no doubt that it has done immense work in changing attitudes about a fundamental human rights issue
    Joseph C

  282. hopefully with the work of orgnanizations like NCADP we will finally abolish the death penalty once and for all.

  283. Keep up the fantastic work NCADP!

  284. Andrew Pauwels

    As a former intern at NCADP, I must say that they are a tremendous organization that does great work on this important issue. Thanks for all you have done. Keep fighting for justice!

  285. The death penalty is a cruel, cruel system and the horror of watching a loved one being premeditately put to death is something that lives with you for the rest of your life. It does not make the world a safer place. There are other ways to help the families of victims of murder come to terms with the horror that has destroyed their lives. Money wasted on executions could be used to help these families, and not used to devastate more innocent families. I commend the NCADP for their dedication.

  286. Thank you NCADP for all the fine work you do!

  287. NCADP-keep up the amazing work you are doing! The death penalty is WRONG! And I will support you all the way.


  288. NCADP should receive the Jenzabar Foundation Social Media Leadership Award for their efforts in spreading the death penalty abolitionist message. Please support NCADP.

  289. Ending the death penalty in the US should be a top priority. It is a barbaric practice which only a few other countries still use. NCADP has been working tirelessly to bring about its end. I applaud their efforts and join them in whatever ways I can.

  290. For years my opposition to the death pealty set me apart from most everyone I came in contact with. During these years Gov. Mario Cuomo’s resistance to using the death penalty in New York State was about the only encouragement I had. When I decided to leave New York City I weighed my options and returned to North Dakota because it had no death penalty. Once out here I again felt isolated for my stand on the issue. There was, as it turned out, a strong sentiment for instating the death penalty when a Bush appointed federal attorney succeeded in having a death penalty applied in a federal case. During all this I began to question the strength of my commitment. Browsing the Internet brought me in touch with the NCADP’s website. I signed up immediately. Their effective and unfailing use of the Internet to inform and inspire people such as I, who need the companionship of like-minded people, is outstanding and most noteworthy!

  291. Christopher M. MacNeil

    Against social and political odds, the NCADP has made significant gains toward removing the United States from the likes of Iraq and China in extinguishing human life in the guise of “justice.” Those of us who are “pro-life” on all levels commend this organization for giving voice to the voiceless.

  292. As an advocate working with victims of domestic violence who are charged with crimes, I understand the deep need for national leadership to abolish the death penalty in the U.S. I am so very grateful for NCADP for providing that principled leadership and powerful voice. Even though I’m not a resident of New Mexico, I posted information about NCADP’s NM campaign on my Facebook page and encouraged friends in NM (and elsewhere) to support Governor Richardson in making the right decision. Because of NCADP’s amazing mobilization efforts, I felt connected to the amazing victory that was won when the Governor decided to repeal the death penalty last month.

  293. Kyle Landis-Marinello

    With groups like NCADP and other organizations such as the Journey of Hope, it will hopefully just be a matter of time before the death penalty is abolished everywhere.

  294. I strongly oppose the death penalty and so am very committed to NCADP and all that they to to stop this barbaric practice, with emphasis on those on death row whose guilt is in question. I cannot think of a more deserving group to receive the Zenzabar award.

  295. It’s time to end the death penalty. The NCADP are the ones at the forefront of the movement that is finally taking shape across this country that should not kill its own.

  296. I rely on my friends at NCADP for up to date information on actions I can take, and I can always count on them to deliver! Stop Capital Punishment Now!

  297. The NCADP will be the organization that leads the US to abolishment of the death penalty

  298. Jessica Emerson

    NCADP, keep up the great work you are doing!

  299. NCADP – you are wonderful. We check your website every few days for updates on the cause we care about so much. We are proud to support you and the life-changing work that you do. Without you we would be lost!
    Peace and Blessings,
    Barbara and Holly Anderson

  300. Isuggest that the Jenzabar Foundation supports NCADP in their fight against the death penalty.

  301. No human has the right to kill another, except in self protection . I support NCADP in their effort and hope the killing can finally be stopped. It makes no sense to kill someone for killing someone.

  302. Thank you for the important work that you do!

  303. Thank you for the work that you do!

  304. Great to hear so much progress is being made on this vital issue!

  305. The Sisters of St. Francis of Clinton, Iowa, adopted a corporate public stand 5 years ago opposing use of the death penalty. The congregation has worked in a variety of ways to end the death penalty nationwide and to prevent its reinstatement in Iowa. We support the NCADP and utilize their alerts and daily. We send alerts to our network whenever a death penalty is imposed, seeking advocacy on behalf of victims and prayers for the accused. We could not function nearly as well without the assistance of NCADP.

  306. I am so grateful that New Mexico has repealed this heinous medieval sentence. I am hopeful that with Obama (though he is not known to be anti death penalty) in office our society will continue to rise to the level of the rest of the civilized world. Unfortunately, I believe that Texas will probably be the last state to repeal. Too many people here are to ignorant, self-centered and stupid.

  307. Please let us join the ranks of civilized countries by abolishing the death penalty.

  308. I support awarding this group the means to reach more decision makers on the state and Federal levels to work towards the goal of abolishing the death penalty. Their use of new media for a multiplier effect to influence and support New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson is a great illustration of their power! Which is the next state to follow suit?

  309. i support ncadp wholeheartedly; they have kept me informed regarding opposition to the death penalty and executions for many years. hopefully, with the repeal of the death penalty in new mexico and intention in new jersey, we will soon reap the benefits of ending this cruel and inhumane punishment.

  310. I am writing in support of NCADP for The Jenzabar Foundation Social Media Leadership Award.  This $3,000 grant to a U.S.-based non-profit for its use of social media to raise awareness to an issue — in this case the abolition of the death penalty in the US — will be invaluable as the organization moves forward. More importantly however, it will acknowledge what they have already accomplished in New Mexico and elsewhere — by putting technology at the service of connecting people, and in doing so, building up the momentum to transform existing systems. 

  311. Thank you for doing this work.

  312. Sr. Sally Ann Brickner

    The National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty is an outstanding organization in it educational and advocacy related to ending the death penalty. I highly respect its endeavor to create awareness of the human right to life regardless of acts that a person might commit. It’s work is important to the soul of our nation.

  313. This is my first attempt at posting a blog, but for the sake of eliminating the death penalty from the face of the earth, I will try.

    NACDP is a group worthy of support in a cause that, in my opinion, is worthy of support from all citizens and organizations. I hope your foundation agrees. Thank you.

  314. Audrey Lane Rivers

    The NCADP is absolutely worthy of any support that it receives, and I am grateful that you are considering them for a grant. NCADP does excellent and essential work in the struggle to end the death penalty. Like many, many others, I rely on NCADP for much of the information that I need for my efforts as an abolitionist.

  315. In a democracy, we the people are the State, and if the State puts a human being to death . . . well, you can connect the dots. No one in our great nation, whether it’s a person or the “State,” should have the right to do this terrible thing. I was happy to find NCADP on the Internet and I’ve been supporting them ever since. They’re a voice of reason.

  316. Laura Fleischer

    NCADP is the leading, if not one of the most leading non profit organizations to abolish the death penalty. The death penalty is morally wrong and NCADP is helping to make sure each day that capital punishment will be at its end very very soon. I stand with this incredible organization with everything I’ve got. Banning capital punishment is a cause that is very close to my heart and so is NCADP. Thank you NCADP for all the hard work you guys are putting in!

  317. Margaret Sacht

    As an American living in Germany, I rely on the NCADP to be my voice against America’s tragically anachronist method of punishment. The death penalty merely increases violence by engaging in state-sponsored murder. The National Coalition is a lifeline for Americans around the globe to speak up against this barbaric practice. The Coalition is doing a great job of informing and mobilizing millions of people via the internet. Please give them your support!

  318. Please continue the hard work, of letting people know just how wrong this practise is!

  319. Its refreshing to see good causes like NCADP make such good use of new media to help organize and educate people about this important issue.

  320. Merci a vous pour tout ce que vous faites. Quel courage! Tous mes voeux de reussite. Vous etes proches du but.
    La lutte contre le peine de mort est un combat de tous les instants, ou que l’on soit dans le monde.
    Sarah (une abolitionniste convaincue) – Paris (France).

  321. I am firmly opposed to the death penalty and applaud the good work being done by the NCADP.

  322. I’ve always been so astonished that a wonderful country like the USA can not get rid of such a middleage horror as is the death penalty thanks to NCADP there is still some hope and some believe in American humanity

  323. My wife and I have been supporters of the NCADP for many years and are proud of their many successes. There is still much work to do.

  324. Francis Berbel

    I’ve utmust respects for the efforts of NCADP

  325. Against death penalty I write every time I can. Life is the upmost value. How can we reduce a person to his worst deed ans not his best deed ? NCADP is a valuable organisation for me. In France I belong to the Action of Christians to abolish Torture (ACAT) and consequently death penalty, a kind of torture. (And excuse my bad english language in the use of words).

  326. Jean-Luc Bernard

    I sincerely believe NCADP deserves the Jenzabar Foundation Social Media Leadership Award for their restless and very efficient fight against the death penalty.

  327. As my boyfriend is on death row in Florida, I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your efforts. It is not about what they did; it is about what we do.

  328. A member of Amnesty International (France), I am most grateful for the existence of NCADP and all the information it spreads. It must be the best known human rights organization specialized in the struggle to end the death penalty in the USA. When abolition comes, as come it will, I believe all the fine men and women at NCADP will be ready to take on universal abolition as their next priority goal.
    They deserve all the help they can get.

  329. Alfred Dabrowski

    Than you NCADP for all the good work you do.

  330. Support NCADP!

  331. I am grateful for this hard-working organization.

  332. Angela McManaman

    I am grateful to NCADP for giving voice to a struggle that can be so easily overlooked – swept behind locked doors and affecting some of the most powerless members of American society. The coalition is getting out its message in every way possible, and I know the Jenzabar Foundation Social Media Leadership Award would help NCADP amplify its message further – and validate the incredible gains the coalition has made in recent years. Thank you for offering NCADP this opportunity.

  333. This cause is important to advanced the US in terms of positioning our country with all other advanced democracies of the world. The death penalty serves no just purpose. It does not deter crime, it is not cost effective, life in prison is a sufficient alternative to the death penalty and the majority of victims’ families are not in favor of death. This cause is important for humanity as a whole and deserves this funding.

  334. We cannot possibly call ourselves a civilized nation while we still have this active atrocity. The NCADP deserves to win so that we can continue to support the hardworking people (Abe Bonowitz comes to mind) who are making the world a better place.

  335. I love the work of NCADP, and am inspired that, after many years of hope and effort, America is finally seeing abolition happen!

  336. Working for a state Coalition to abolish the death penalty, I find NCADP to be an invaluable resource.

  337. Sister Jane Gaughan

    Please support NCADP. We want to end the death penalty once and for all.

  338. This organization has done so much to bring visibility and compassion to the need for overturning the “eye for an eye” mentality that pervades our society. Violence is never the answer! Thank you to all the people that enable NCADP to work!

  339. NCADP does a lot of important work!

  340. This is a great organization that has done a lot to help the fight against the death penalty. This organization deserves the award.

  341. I whole heartedly support the NCADP in their efforts to abolish the death penalty. Can’t believe this country still has the death penalty when we know we have put innocent people to death. GO NCADP!

  342. Thanks NCADP for all of the great work you do and for providing wonderful and consistent support to NCADP affiliates who are working on the state level. Please support NCADP!

  343. You would be hard pressed to find an organization making more progress on such a tough issue as the NCADP. Helping to get abolition of the death penalty in two states in the past 5 months is a stunning achievement. They have also helped create an environment where abolition is on the table in NH, CO, MT and other states. They deserve your award!

  344. Christian Cavalar

    Thank you for your commitment. Keep up the good work.

  345. Great work, NCADP!

  346. I support the NCADP and its goal to abolish the death penalty nationwide. It is time for americans to put an end to this barbaric practice. It diminishes us all.

  347. Bravo to all at NCADP who work so tirelessly to end the death penalty here in the US. Keep up the good work! (

  348. NCADP is inspiring advocates and saving lives with social media!

  349. NCADP is just an awesome organization. They are really working to abolish a barbaric practice with which so many still feel, sometimes admittedly, an irrational attachment. Our government should not be in the business of killing its own citizens when other options are available.

  350. Thansk NCADP for your hard work on this important issue. The death penalty is a barbaric practice that doesn’t solve anything and needs to be eliminated in this country (and across the world).

  351. This wonderful organization deserves every possible help and recognition for its vital work.

  352. NCADP make a lot of difference in helping us as a nation strive to make our society and legal system more just and moral, thank you!

  353. It’s time to abolish the death penalty in this country and the NCADP is working toward just that very goal. Our criminal justice system is beyond flawed; it’s broken and the threat of executing an innocent person is just too great a risk that we cannot afford. The NCADP deserves your award and I hope you will consider them.

  354. I am the Executive Director of Missourians to Abolish the Death Penalty – one of the many state groups NCADP supports. Our work is enhanced by the strategic guidance, national networks, and logistical support provided by the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty. NCADP is doing tremendously meaningful work, and they are doing it well.

  355. Regina Flanigan

    Three cheers for those who stand up for the preservation of life — the death penalty is usurping the right of the Creator to determine life and death — and has so often been used indiscrimintely to avoid facing the real needs of poverty, unemployment, disenfranchisement frequently found in criminals. Give them this award — it will be well utilized.

  356. The NCADP is a great, hardworking organization that is key in helping to abolish the death penalty in all states. Thank you

  357. It was utterly amazing to see such a piece of news as good as New Mexico’s repeal of the death penalty come by on twitter, of all places. I wish I could see more news like that in my twitter feed. Thanks for your good work!

  358. Thank so much to the NCADP for all their amazing job and their leading actions to abolish death penalty ! They really deserve your award, please support them.

  359. Ellen V. Moore

    Yesterday. I was just experimenting with my new phone’s picture -taking abilities while NCADP’s Abe Bonowitz was clicking away like mad during our well attended Denver press conference at the Capitol yesterday. he was simultaneouly uploading the photos and narrative of the moving testimony to this blog.

    Let’s hope this extraordinary technology results in DP abolition in Colorado !

  360. The NCADP has been instrumental in the passage of HB1274 in the Colorado’s Senate State Affairs Committee and I know they will continue to help us through the end of this session. I am so grateful for their support. NCADP deserves this award.

  361. Keep up the good work NCADP!

  362. I hope the organization will be successful and that horrible DP will be abolished soon cos its inhuman.

  363. Mailie La Zarr

    Thank you for helping to keep the focus on this vital work.

    The campaign against the death penalty is more important than ever. While progress has been made, media sensationalized stories threaten to knock down what little ground we’ve gained.

    Thanks NCADP !

  364. NCADP is wonderful.

  365. Keep on movin´ – All the best wishes from Germany!

  366. Abe: You’re doing a great job. Thanks for being the voice.

  367. The NCADP is an extremely important organization. I am kept well informed of developments across the country. Their effective use of multimedia communication make my work as an advocate for the abolition of the death penalty easier!

  368. NCADP is one of the most worthwhile things going on right now! Support them, everyone!

  369. I appreciate the work NCADP as it allows me to share in the work of saving lives which are all sacred. If we are to be pro-life then we must acknowledge that all life is sacred. If one is Christian then one must believe all life is innocent as it is all made innocent by the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. All of our actions may not be innicent but all life is innocent.

  370. Thank you to NCADP for all their work fighting against the death penalty and congratulations for their role in convincing New Mexico to abolish.

  371. Margaret Caldera

    My entire family supports the NCADP in their efforts to abolish the death penalty nation wide. Our legal system is innocent until proven guilty but people believe a person is guilty just because they are the accused or defendant. The jury is placed there to protect both parties and base thier verdict on what was presented to them and not what the other jurors want them to believe. Have faith in youself and stay strong to yourself because you are the one who can make a difference because so many people are found guilty for crimes they did not commit, innocent people are being put to death and they are victims too.

  372. NCADP is a beautiful thing in a world full of ugly things

    they deserve our support


  373. The NCADP does good work to get rid of this blot on our country.

  374. The members of the Texas Coalition have worked tirelessly for many years to abolish the death penalty in union with the NCADP, in a state which is probably the most resistent to abolition. Lately, however, the question of cost of executions has been in play. Saving money might just save a few lives. Meanwhile we continue the moral argument in favor of life.
    Peace to all. Houston, TX

  375. Diane H. Fabian

    The NCADP does an outstanding job of informing the public about the death penalty. This is truly an important public service.

  376. 22 years behind bars for a murder that another committed gives a man a pretty good understanding that the justice system is not perfect-and it is a fact that if you do not ban the Death Penalty you will be murdering innocent people again.

    I know for a fact innocents have been executed in the US-stop now!

  377. NCADP has been my source of information and mobilization updates around the issue of the death penalty since I became an abolitionist (back when I was in eighth grade). Over the years they were the ones that provided myself and small groups I was working with the materials we needed to organize in our community. Now, sixteen years later, I continue to work closely with NCADP as director of Pennsylvanians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty. NCADP offers PADP generous and creative support in a variety of ways — support that is critical for a statewide campaign to stop executions. Thanks, NCADP (then and now) for your resources to both individuals and large statewide organizations!

  378. A great organization in keeping the injustice of the death penalty before us, NCADP is a strong and consistent voice for the abolition of the death penalty.

  379. Petra Gastberger

    I appreciate all the work the NCADP does and wish it gets the recognition it deserves and will continue to educate the public about death penalty issues.

  380. I fight the death penalty on behalf of individual clients in the courts of law. I fight the death penalty on behalf of everyone in the courts of public opinion (and the halls of the legislature, the office of the Governor, the pages of the newspaper, the airwaves of the broadcasters, and the soap boxes of the activists). I could do none of this so well without the support of committed others. High among those committed others are the staff and volunteers of NCADP.


  381. Guillot Fabrice

    as a european we do not have the death penalty here and that’s something we are very proud of. Go on fighting for preventing that barbary to take place in your country

  382. Stéphanie Martin

    Imagine no Death Penalty…
    I thought I could change John’s lyrics.
    Thanks to The National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty I can imagine a better world.

  383. I am a strong opponent of the death penalty and nobody keeps me up to date on the fight than NCADP. Thank you guys for fighting the good fight and it’s great that there is a coalition to battle such “cruel and unusual punishment” as the death penalty.

  384. NCADP does a wonderful job of working with individual states in their campaigns against the death penalty and also keeping the public informed about individual cases, national statistics and the overall picture.

  385. Robert Feliberty

    The technology has enable the NCADP to movilize us to write to the government in against the death penalty of individuals. Each one of us can make the difference!

  386. NCADP has helped many death penalty abolition organizations become more sophisticated in their tactics, and the results are starting to show!

  387. the NCADP is an excellent organization, and I am grateful for all of the work they have done.

  388. As a murder victim family member, I have found the NCADP especially sensitive to the needs of the survivors as well as the defendants. I highly endorse the organization.

  389. Ken & Lois Robison

    Execution is no way to show we abhor violence and killing. As members of TX CURE (Citizens United for Rehabilitation of Errants) and TCADP, we heartily endorse the efforts of NCADP.

  390. NCADP is doing a great job. I appreciate what you are doing. Keep up the good work!

  391. NCADP is effective in educating the public about the realities of the death penalty. Thank you for all you do and how much you have taught me. Keep up the great work!

  392. Meredith Marzuoli

    NCADP is a much needed organization — we need to join the rest of the civilized world and stop state-ordered killings!

  393. Ryszard Gajewski

    NCADP’s work is instrumental in removing the dark cloud that the presence of death penalty in our legal system casts on the good name of our country.

  394. Dominick J. Di Noto

    We must ensure that NCDAP Wins!! The death penalty has to be abolished! Its inhumane and antiquated and it’s about time our country should be leader and step into the 21st Century..

  395. “A life for a life” is not the answer! The death penalty does not deter crime, it simply adds to the madness. There is a better way and we must work towards it.

  396. The NCADP has worked tirelessly throughout the US to repeal the death penalty in those states which still have/use it. Most recently, in my home state of New Mexico, NCADP, in cooperation with the local repeal organization, was successful. NCADP partners with and supports the efforts of local chapters, such as ours, and in so doing brings their experience and organizational expertise to the effort. I can think of no more deserving organization for this award.

  397. I first became a supporter of TCASK and I have come to support NCDAP as a natural extension of the same principles to the all Nation. I appreciate to remain informed through them as they are more than reliable.

  398. Many non-profits are doing incredible work via the internet. I hope NCADP gets the award so that they many do even more to spread news about what is going on around our country and help us fight the good fight against the death penalty. This is definitely an issue worth fighting for.

  399. What a great way to contribute towards a cause that is needed Nationwide.

    “God is Glory & Grace & will be with you for Eternity, no matter who you are”

  400. NCADP – thank you. I sincerely hope that the Jenzabar Foundation will present you with this award.

  401. Thank you for the life saving work that you do. I will continue to support you and do what I can to help put an end to capital punishment.

  402. By removing the death penalty, we open lives to the possibility of conversion of heart and forgiveness. What a beautiful gift from life.

  403. Thanks NCADP for all of your good work!

  404. I think NCADP does a great job. It offers opponents of the death penaty all over the world the opportunity to raise their voices against such a barbarian method of punishment.

  405. The NCADP is one of those organizations which give hope, not only to those people it assists directly, but to those of us around the world who sometimes wonder if the US has lost the ability to care for individual rights.

    Please help it continue its essential work.

  406. NCADP works hard to make America better for EVERYONE! Great work.

  407. Keep up the good work, guys. I hope that one day we can live in a world free of the death penalty.

  408. CHAMPION Etienne

    Please, go on this excellent work. I follow what you do from France and find it necessary.
    Thanks for that

  409. Miroslav Grubelic

    NCADP is making a difference. Please help them to achieve even more. Capital punishment should be called for what it is: pseudo-legal murder. It is no punishment. Punishment is something you remember for being bad or anti-social. You are supposed to learn from punishment, to rehabilitate, to work your way back to society.

  410. NCADP is doing some great things with the media.

    This is very helpful.

  411. Eric Carl Singleton

    Outstanding organization, even if we save one innocent life, we save the world and our humanity. Keep the good work up!

    Eric ex pat in Australia

  412. I am very proud of the NCADP for their use of technology to advocate for a just and humane cause. What a stark contrast to the way many States still use such an archaic, primitive form of punishment as the death penalty. Modern scientific polls show it does not deter criminals; all it does is diminish our national psyche and tarnish the world’s respect for us whenever the State legally murders someone in the name of the citizens of that state.

  413. Holly McCuistion

    Yeah NCADP, hope you win!


    Anyone working toward the abolishment of the death penalty needs to be honored and supported
    In these times of incarceration as a way of getting rid of the non acceptable human beings, times when racism is so ever present. Thank you NCADP
    We need you!!!!!!

  415. Just got home from the Austin vigil, the struggle continues.

  416. This is a great organization with one of the most important political agendas in America.

  417. Jeffrey G. Douglass

    I am so honored to be a part of NCADP – and what an extraordinary achievement in ending the death penalty in NM. Thank you Governor Richardson and NCADP for keeping me informed. When I became involved with NCADP, who would have thought that, within a year, I would be going into Autry State in Georgia for Kairos #20! Keep up the good work NCADP!

  418. what a wonderful organisation. so committed.

  419. Dr. Paul E. Ivory

    A turning point in my political education was the execution of Carol Chessman back in California: it made me see how the basic the cult of violence is to political systems & ideologies. Australia, where I now live, long ago gave abolished the death penalty. This helps explain how it distances itself, even if slightly, from US imperial hubris. All we do to abolish it has wide repercussions, for the good.

  420. Richard Vegh

    I am with NCADP all the way. Their efforts at taking a state-by-state approach is a winning strategy, and lends strength to the local and state groups who support the same mission of abolishing the death penalty. Through new social media outlets online I know NCADP can reach out to a younger and more broad membership base, where its message will find a receptive and responsive audience.

  421. Phil Temperly

    I strongly support NCADP in their efforts to abolish the death penalty.

  422. NCADP deserves all our support in our efforts to end brutality and redefine what it is to be human.

  423. Kimberly Cook

    I completely support the NCADP and have for many years. I have also studied the death penalty for years and am convinced that innocent people have probably been executed, though states are very reluctant to admit such events have occured. Those wrongly convicted inmates who have survived the death penalty have terrifying tales to tell and their stories matter. The family members of death row inmates are put through a terrifying ordeal as well. I support victim-survivors and because of that I think the death penalty should be abolished around the world. It’s barbaric.

  424. Marilyn Carlisle

    NCADP is a very effective group that has helped me stay involved…and has saved lives!

  425. David S. LaMure, M.C.

    The abolition of the death penalty is a must for our entire country. Even a single person killed by “legal state premeditated murder” who was later proved innocent it a tradgedy in our society. Many have been put to death, who were later proven innocent. Please help us to restore order to this continued societal insanity.

  426. Marylyn Felion

    The tide is turning away from state-ordered killing, and the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty has been very instumental in turning this tide. Thank you!

  427. I support NCADP and all abolition efforts.

  428. NCADP is leading the way for the cause of life. Thank you all for your tireless work!

  429. Abolishing legalized killing in this country is one of the most important “corrections” to our national culture and government. NCADP has been at the forefront of this effort for many years now and has move this effort along considerably. NCADP and the individual ADP organizations should be supported by everyone serious about removing this blight from our land.

  430. Matt Fredrickson

    To those of us who already oppose the death penalty, the reasons for doing so seem self-evident. Unfortunately, there are still many people that are on the fence. The work of the NCADP is necessary to help eradicate the archaic and inhumane injustice that is the death penalty.

  431. I am in complete agreement with you all. If there is one innocent man executed – it’s wrong.

  432. The death penalty is immoral and uncivilized, not only because taking life is wrong but also because this punishment is unfairly applied. Most people who murder never face the death penalty but those who do are disproportionately African-American. The system is dehumanizing to all involved and makes no accommodation for rehabilitation and good behavior over a period of years. It is time for the US to shed this inhumane practice.

  433. On behalf on FAAVM Canada, we encourage NCADP in its tireless humanitarian efforts to making our world a better place.

  434. Jessica Colman

    Thanks to NCADP, the United States has made some great strides towards the abolishion of this most barbaric form of murder. I am grateful for their efforts and support them whenever I can.

  435. Sandra Reitz

    NCADP is a very important organization, and the goal to abolish the death penalty lies close to my heart

  436. Christine Leuzinger

    The NCADP does a great job the death penalty must be abolished !

  437. Philip Flanders

    In the European Union the death penalty is considered so uncivilized that no country can be a member of it and retain this barbarism. As an American citizen currently living in the UK, people often react with astonishment when I tell them that an advanced country like the USA retains capital punishment in most states (though most know about Texas!). I am so glad that an organisation like NCADP is using modern media so effectively to help the whole of the USA to join the civilized world.

  438. Associazione per la Pace

    Work of National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty is very important for human rights.

  439. Keep up the great job you are doing, wishing there where many more people who helping others, in what way it would be .!!!
    Only God can give and take life.
    Hoping and praying, one day there is no death penalty anymore !
    And INJUSTICE is turn in JUSTICE !!!!
    God Bless you.

  440. PEZZOPANE Evelyne

    Thank you NCADP for all your continued work towards abolishing the death penalty. In Europe (I am french), the death penalty is considered as a wrong and unavailing practice : barbarian, just so.

  441. The NCADP stands out as an incredible solid force against the killing of prisoners in the USA. A voice for the voiceless. A voice against great evil. An inspiration for all. We are indebted to all its leaders and members. Please support the NCADP in any way you can!

  442. Stefanie Weisgram

    I appreciate the work NCADP does. We need NCADP and what they do to keep us aware.

  443. I rely on NCADP to keep me informed about death penalty news. We must abolish this terrible practice, and NCADP unites us in this cause.


  445. I think a life sentence with no possibility of parole is grotesque and inhuman. And most people who have a loved one murdered for fun or profit are consumed with rage and sorrow in a way that can only be assuaged by getting some payback – it’s how we’re constructed biologically, and is shown to produce health producing pheromones when payback is obtained.

    Is the life of a wanton murderer whose motives derived from fun or profit really that precious? I don’t get the reasoning? Are you afraid the “Man Upstairs,” won’t like it? I just don’t get it.

  446. Looking forward to the day we don’t need you. Until then, thank you for your great work!

  447. I support your efforts 100%. We need to stop the death penalty in the United States of America.

  448. Timely advocacy issues, important talking points, and walking the walk fellow abolitionists make NCADP an organization worth supporting!

  449. NCADP’s use of social media for the New Mexico effort to repeal the death penalty showed clear results that clearly had an impact on the Governor’s decision for repeal.

  450. I am agree to give my vote to this wonderful orga

  451. Brendan Moloney

    National Campaign Against the Death Penalty is a fantastic organization. I admire all that they have accomplished.

  452. The NCADP has provided a priceless means of support for many victims of state sponsored execution through education and reconciliation.

  453. The value which the NCADP brings to the abolition movement is immeasurable. Thank you NCADP for all the wonderful work!!

  454. If killing is such a terrible thing — and it is — then why are we killing in retaliation?

    It’s crazy.

    And, sometimes, I think we kill innocent people. It’s just too terrible a risk to take.

  455. Great changes are happening in this country and the NCADP has a great share in it! The death penalty does not belong in this century!

  456. While the problems of the country and the world seem overwhelming, abolishing the death penalty in our country is specific and clear in its goal. We can win this. The people I have met in this organization have extended the most passionate energy toward the goal that I have ever met

  457. Michelle Martin

    Thank you NCADP for all your continued work towards abolishing the death penalty. Before I started college a few years ago, I was all for the death penalty. As I have learned more about it, my way of thinking has completely changed and I am now Against the death penalty. The death penalty SHOULD be ABOLISHED!!! No one has the right to decide if a person should be put to death!!!

  458. The death penalty will soon be a thing of the past in the United States. but not without the work of NCADP. Support their efforts!

  459. I am so pleased to keep informed and be able to become involved the very inhumane issue of the death penalty. I have been against it for a number of years but did not know where to express my opinion where it would make a difference. Thank you NCADP for giving us a forum for this.

  460. stefano campani

    All my support to NCADP!
    Greetings from Italy!


  461. NCADP does fantastic work.

  462. Please,I want to support all the difficult but wonderful work you do trying to save people´s lives.
    My only concern in writing was to support your work ..-

  463. NCADP has helped the Arkansas Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty in so many ways: conference calls, the Leadership Institute, the availability of the staff, the support in strategy development and resource development! We wouldn’t be as far along as we are (with quite a ways to go!) without NCADP’s help and leadership. Thanks!

  464. Giuseppe Lodoli

    NCADP is a great and effective oragnization.
    U. S. and the whole World need it.

  465. NCADP, keep doing the great work!

  466. NCADP does amazing work and should be commended! Keep going guys!

  467. Thank you for all you do to abolish the death penalty. We must not rest until the United States joins every other industrialized nation in eliminating this cruel and unusual form of punishment that is administered disproporationately to the poor and persons of color.

  468. NCADP is a wonderful and effective organization. You are doing great work

  469. Diana Arbiser

    I feel honored to support the NCADP. They do tremendous work, and should receive the recognition they deserve.

  470. Keep up the great work.

  471. Bruce Benson

    I’m very happy that NCADP is fighting the good fight, and they could use any help (financially) that they get to further the cause.

  472. I love NCADP and don’t know how i could do my job with out them.

  473. NCADP keeps me abreast of all the going on in the movement to abolish the death penalty. Great organization

  474. kim verbrugge

    NCADP keeps us in the loop and empowers us to make a valuable, life and death difference.

  475. NCADP campaigns tirelessly and effectively. Keep going!

  476. Everyone has the right to life. Thanks, NCADP.

  477. All life is innocent and worth saving. What we do with our lives may not be innocent but all life is innocent an dsacred. Thanks NCADP for providing an avenue for me to help with saving lives.

  478. Simona Muratore

    NCADP is a great organization! all my support to it!

  479. I believe this is one of the most important issues of our time, if not the most important. NCADP, keep it up!

  480. A great example of building a movement for change.

  481. Judy Roitman

    I have been interested in working against the death penalty for many years, but until NCADP’s sophisticated approach to electronic media it was very difficult. Other anti-death penalty organizations exist, but NCADP is by far the most effective at mobilizing large numbers of people in focused ways to maximize effectiveness.

  482. Andrea Fuentes

    Thank you for all of your efforts in securing and defending our basic human rights.

    Peace 🙂

  483. Doug Barrick

    Thanks for all your efforts, especially now through electronic media, to keep this critical issue before us. Victory is inevitable but the sooner the better.

  484. Glen Graffius

    If it were not for the great electronic media tools that NCADP is using, I would not know about the great work that they are continually doing to stop the death penalty. We cannot evolve as humans if we continue to use the death penalty. Great work!

  485. Victoria L. Nobles

    So close, so close!! Keep going!!

  486. I support you in your endeavour to abolish the death penalty.

  487. NCADP has been doing a brilliant job of utilizing elctronic media to generate support for ending the death penalty.

    I am so thankful for all the hard working folks at NCADP. I know they’ve made a huge difference here in Texas.

  488. NCADP does hard, unglamourous work in smart, effective ways. So glad you’re in the worlds (online and off).

  489. I support NCADP and its efforts.

  490. NCADP does great work. It would put the grant money to good use.

  491. Thank you NCADP for all of your efforts!!!

  492. Thank you for your work.

  493. Stop Death Penalty now; and everywhere!

  494. NCADP has everything Jenzabar should be looking for: A positive cause, dedicated supporters, successful and expert leadership, a record of impressive achievements, and an organizing strategy that meshes perfectly with new media and social networking.

  495. NCADP is an incredible organization, effectively doing the most essential work of saving lives from a brutal and savage, unjust system.

  496. Jacob Liberman

    The NCADP is poised at the threshold of accomplishing their mission. This grant would push them over the tipping point. Please use your grant to maximum leverage by supporting the NCADP.

    Austin, Texas

  497. Joyce Rybandt

    I have opposed the death penalty since hearing of an execution in Chicago as a small child in the 1950s. Since then, I have written many letters in support of people on death row and have attended many vigils at San Quentin with the Buddhist Peace Fellowship. I am grateful to the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty for their research and for both informing me about and providing me with effective actions to take in support of individuals and the cause of abolition.

  498. Colleen McCormick

    Go NCADP!

  499. NCADP is an outstanding organization that helps to remind people who they should be – active and compassionate individuals who do work against injustice, even when it means facing dark and difficult things. NCAPD reminds me that there are still people and groups that believe our society can and should have dignity and honor and that it must respect each life with in it if it is to demand any respect as a whole.

  500. How can it be that in our modern society we are so illogical as to think that we we can end or reduce the murder rate by killing people who kill people who kill people to teach people that killing people is wrong! Surely we (the state) can find a better way to protect life than the use of murder to reduce the murder rate!

  501. Daniel Flynn

    NCADP!! They do great work to help end the most injustice system in America!

  502. Jon Shimmons

    As an NCADP supporter for five years now, I county myself very satisfied that my contribution has gone to good use. I’m impressed at how vigorously the NCADP staff has worked to constantly keep pushing for their cause. It’s been a real uphill battle over the years, with an at least equally motivated and organized effort on the issue’s other side, but NCADP’s perseverance is finally paying off.

    This is an issue that many people would simply rather not think about, until perhaps they’re touched personally by it. NCADP has battled through spells of public indifference to help make ending the death penalty a national cause of great urgency, and the organization should be recognized for that effort.

  503. Edgardo Roman

    We latinos, need NCADP.


  504. The National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty has been a leading social justice organization for many, many years, but in the last decade it has really taken a giant leap forward in terms of utilizing the new tools available to engage American society and the world. I am proud of the work that it’s done in these venues, and the results are obvious — abolition of the death penalty in New Jersey and New Mexico and New York (are there any other “New” states out there?), and close calls on abolition in Nebraska, Maryland, New Hampshire (another “New” state) and Montana. Colorado is still up for grabs this year. Wow! What a recent record! Keep up the good work.

  505. I hope the NCADP wins this, they are a very worthy organization.

  506. Thanks to NCADP, I was given the opportunity to contact the governor of my state to oppose an execution, and that execution was ultimately commuted to a life sentence. The NCADP helps average citizens like myself get involved in a cause that is very important. The death penalty can and should be abolished in every state and every country.

    Thanks NCADP!

  507. I count on NCADP to keep me updated and involved in anti-death penalty news.

  508. One of the most overlooked and seldom mentioned effects of the death penalty is the horrible victimizing of innocent people. This collateral damage is most disheartening when one looks at the immediate family of the death row denizen. What they suffer through is truly cruel and unusual.
    Even though I was Innocent–exonerated after two years on death row after the confession of the law enforcement officer who was the real murderer–my family suffered greatly.
    My mother would not come out of the house for two years because of peer pressure. She had a son on death row. Even her closest friends did not know how to greet her at the super market, drug store or on the street. What do you say to a mother who is grieving as the state prosecutor gets to kill her son? It will not be alright. Time will not heal these wounds. Tomorrow or next week or next month will not be better. Others, mostly strangers, but also a few so called friends were not so kind to her and did not remain silent.
    She quit church when someone sitting in the back row of pews loudly called out, “Murderer. Rapist.” As she walked out of that church, in tears with her shawl over her head in shame, she probably never heard the people admonishing the loud mouth.
    She was shunned by the local society that had, in the past, respected her and relied on her outgoing personality to bolster the morale at community and social gatherings. She became a recluse. Even after I was exonerated she remained so. She died in sadness, never recovering her love of life and former status as a pillar of our community. I wonder if she ever understood that she shunned society more than they shunned her. My grandmother was a little stronger. She, at least, went to church. Some say that Grandpa went to church only to defend Grandma from the ridicule. I think it was so he could argue with people who talked about me, and so he could shake his ever present cane at them. I really loved that old man. He taught me how to fish.
    Execution is not a death such as a car accident. Or a sudden mishap or An accidental death. A death that can be easily forgiven or excused. This killing is slow and calculated. It takes an average of ten years to execute a man and they start killing him the day he is put on death row. Throughout the appeals, which last many years and cost an average $3,200,000.00 per person, I wonder if families of the executed are aware of the indignity of even having to pay for that death with their tax dollars. Several times these men were innocent and the family knew it.
    My father planned his suicide for months. He was saved, just in time by the news of my exoneration. A few days later and the state would have got a death anyway as he had already purchased the gun.
    Probably the worst effects of all were inflicted on my kids.
    Peer pressure is perhaps the most profound on school age children. Children can be cruel and outright vicious. “Your daddy is a Murderer.” “Your daddy rapes people.” “They should have killed him.” “How do we know he did not do it? ” “My dad says that your dad got out because of a slick lawyer.” ” My mom says she better not see him at any school functions or she will give him a piece of her mind.” “Our parents are watching him when he is around kids.” This all happened even though my daughters were born years after my release. I would get that phone call from the school to come and pick up a daughter as she was in distress. As she sat crying, waiting for me to leave work to come and get her she didn’t know that I was also wiping the tears off my face. Some time I would have to sit in the school parking lot a few minutes so I could compose myself before entering the place. I had to be strong for her.
    These were innocent little girls. What did they ever do to deserve this? How can God let this happen to them? It became an ordeal to make them go to school every day. They shuddered at the thought of it. Changing schools (six times) worked only for a short time until the punishment started again. They never did graduate. They both quit when they became old enough to do so. What a total waste of a human mind. One of the girls has an IQ of about 160.
    My only thanks is that this did not happen when I was on the row. They did not have to live through the debacle of a justice system that is allowing the state to kill their daddy. Thousands of other innocent children were not so lucky. I wonder what it is like for them to have to carry that burden. I wonder how mothers answer that much dreaded question, “Why do they have to kill my daddy”.
    Ronald Keine

  509. Get rid of the death penalty!

  510. After watching an excessive number of wrongful convictions be overturned in Dallas, It became apparent to me that there were countless people who had been executed in a State that condones state sanctioned murder.
    The NCADP has made an Enormous amount of progress in the fight to abolish this senseless act of barbarism that is carried out on a regular basis in the name of Justice.

  511. NCADP does an amazing job in this world of inhumanity and here´s hoping that America will soon stop executing people!
    Go NCADP- you will succeed!

  512. WAY TO GO NCADP!!! Keep up the good work!

  513. voting for NCADP.

  514. I support the NCADP. The death penalty is inhumane and cruel, barbaric to the extreme. How can we expect ordinary citizens to respect human life if the government does not?

  515. Clayton Price

    NCADP is an organization that shines the light on the oft neglected issues of capital punishment and the philosophical frameworks supporting such practices.

  516. Ben Smilowitz


  517. Cassandra Cardona

    NCADP, keep doing the great work! Many, many BLESSINGS!!!

  518. Margarita Fuentes

    We have enough killing allready! I ask, does killing with a Court Order make it right to kill, and how is this death a punishment?

  519. Margarita Fuentes

    We have enough killing allready! I ask, does killing with a Court Order make it right to kill, and how is death a punishment?

  520. Thank you, Ronald for such a moving and compelling post. The most articulate arguments that I’ve heard against the death penalty have been from those who were wrongfully condemned and then exonerated and released to tell their stories. I don’t know how anyone who has ever heard an exonoree speak could support a system that takes so much away from our society.

    We in the US present ourselves as civilized and yet our justice system would argue otherwise.

  521. Keep up the good work NCADP…I’m right here with you! God Bless, Amy

  522. john david hutsell

    NCADP work is so important to stop this inhumane practice that infects our national psyche.

  523. This grant would mean so much for NCADP efforts!

  524. Thanks NCADP.

  525. Ever since I was a child and read about the execution of the Rosenberg’s (in detail in the Yonkers Herald Statesman) I have been a strong supporter of the abolution of the death penalty. How a susposedly compassionate country could allow it truly shows what our character is.
    (Recent articles have shown Ethel Rosenberg to be inocent.)

  526. I’ve been active in the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty for years and am constantly inspired by the dedication of it’s members to make the America even better! The dedication of the people working for NCADP shows that any donations will be used very efficiently for the cause of justice.

  527. cp4ab0lishm3nt

    NCACP has been in the forefront of abolishment; the job you guys do is so important especially those who are innocent.
    We are making sure that you win this event.

  528. I support the NCADP wholeheartedly. I am profoundly grateful to them for all the work they do, for keeping me informed on this issue, and for keeping me inspired to help create change, as well.

  529. Ruth Kildall

    When I was working against re-installment of the death penalty in Washington State in 1975, my then 8 year old son said: Mom, when you get to the hearing, can’t you just say: “What good does it do to kill another person when you already have one dead?” Thanks to the NCADP’ tireless, valiant work all these years, it appears that people finally are beginning to understand that it not only “doesn’t do any good,” but hurts all of us.

  530. I got involved with when we ablolished the death penalty in New Jersey. Now NCADP is keeping me informed about what is going on in other states. Thus I had the opportunity to write to Gov. Richardson in New Mexico and, hopefully, have some inpact on his decision to sign the NM death penalty abolition bill. Keep up the good work. I have brought the death penalty issue to the attention of a friend in Maryland. It will be a state by state battle, and all of us who are against the death penalty need to be informed when action is needed so we can make our voices and the voices of our friends heard in the places where the battle is going on.

  531. Good job NCADP

  532. God bless what you do!

  533. Thanks for all you do with your work in education about abolishing the death penalty.
    Louis Lowrey

  534. Thanks for your work. We sure need help in Texas!

  535. Monte Youngs

    NCADP (and Texas CADP) thanks for all you do. You are a one-of-a-kind organization that operates in what’s many ways an invisible and thankless pursuit. Yet a most vital pursuit for the soul of our nation. Keep up the good work!

  536. NCADP does fabulous work educating people!

  537. Sister Regina Marie Maibusch

    Iwant to vote for NCADP. They are doing great work. they need teh money.

  538. I am so grateful for the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty (NCADP). Thank you for all that you do to return our nation to the symbol of justice and equality for all.

  539. Erik Schnabel

    NCADP is doing amazing work and deserves more support!

  540. Keep up the good work, NCADP!

  541. Susan Sullivan

    Abolish the death penalty! Cultivate the healing spirit of Christ’s forgiveness.

  542. I believe National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty richly seserves this recognition. I have witnessed their very effective work for 15 years and am still impressed at what they hae done.

  543. I have followed the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty on Twitter and on Facebook. Their use of these social networking sites and their other efforts to keep people like me appraised of the abolition movement is invaluable. It makes me feel connected and not quite so alone to know that others are fighting to abolish this heinous punishment.

  544. We need NCADP. Abolishing the Death Penalty will happen, but it won’t happen on it’s own. It will take the efforts of many and the savvy use of resources and media tools.

  545. This is such an important organization. Thanks, NCADP!

  546. Steve Jens-Rochow

    The National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty does very important work to stop executions. It has been quite successful recently, with several states stopping the death panalty.
    Steve Jens- Rochow
    FADP Coordinatop, Broward Co. Florida

  547. I follow and support NCADP’s struggle via e-mail from Florence, Italy…
    Strong encouragement to everyone…

  548. Billie Jan Goldstein

    The materials provided to me by NCADP have helped me educate so many people about how the death penalty really works in this country. One memorable experience was on the night before my wedding in 1990, when one of the guests [a woman of a previous generation] asked me how I could work representing inmates on Death Row, which I did as a Deputy Public Defender in California. I really didn’t want to get into an unpleasant debate on that particular night, but I gave her some of the facts and statistics and stories that NCADP had provided me. She was astounded. She NEVER KNEW. She said she would have to reconsider her position. This is one crucial issue about which the public is woefully uninformed. NCADP provides us with the tools we need to inform the public — even those of us who are afraid of unpleasant debates. Good stuff!

  549. My best friend was saved by the 1972 Moratorium.
    Commuted, but never released, he’s been a useful prison worker, a voice for constitutional conditions, and a fine example of reform. The NCADP understands the value of forgiveness.

  550. Adela Beckerman

    The National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty has been doing a fabulous job. For years this organization has been organizing volunteers across the country to demonstrate their opposition to the death penalty and educate the public about the reasons why the death penalty is not the best way to address crime in our country.

  551. Mary Ann Stoffregen

    National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty is a feisty grassroots organization that keeps at the work and uses the most effective tools to accomplish goals.

  552. “Death belongs to God alone. By what right do men touch that unknown thing?”–Victor Hug0

  553. Roger deRoos

    The NCADP is a \n effective and successful leader in the efforts to eliminate the death penalty in the United States. They are in need of and worthy of your support.

  554. Thanks you, NCADP! We will abolish the death penalty and join the rest of the civilized world.

  555. Joshua Noble

    NCADP has distinguished itself as a preeminent organization fighting the death penalty and working for a better and more humane society. You all are awesome!

  556. Brother in law was murdered and I am still against the death penalty and support NCADP

  557. Thank you NCADP for the important work you do.

  558. bring it home in colorado!

  559. Paul Vander Linden

    The National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty is taking the lead toward a very important goal and helping us to be involved in the process.

  560. Thanks to NCADP for all your great work to move society toward life.

  561. Dennis McAllister

    I strongly support the National Coalition Against the Death Penalty and the work it does to bring an end to this barbaric practice in the United States.

  562. Lynn Alldrin

    The existence of the NCADP has given me heart and hope. Thank goodness for all their work and leadership.

  563. Lois Seeligsohn

    I am dazzled by NCADP’s global multi-media public information campaign on the death penalty. All of it is affecting change in attitudes toward this barbaric practice. The more one knows about the death penalty, the less there is to like about it, and NCADF’s consistent messaging is changing hearts and minds all over the world. NCADF is the No. 1 anti-death penalty force in America.
    Keep it up until every state in America stops killing its own citizens in the name of “justice.”

  564. NCADP facilitates the work of death penalty abolitionists all over the country with their excellent resource materials and creative networking through a variety of ways of communicating. I belong to an Arizona affiliate, the Coalition of Arizonans to Abolish the Death Penalty. We are encouraged by the success in New Mexico, but we have a tough road ahead with our particular Legislature and Governor. Thanks to NCADP for support and encouragement!

  565. Patrick Bruckart

    I commend NCADP for the crucial work that you do in opposing captial punishment. There is no place for this practice in civilized society and it’s continuation is a reflection of nothing more than publicly sanctioned revenge. People need to look beyond initial feelings of hatred, anger, and revenge to their higher moral nature–forgiveness and mercy. Publicly sanctioned revenge generalizes into different forms of violence that continue to manifest as a reflection of, thus far, unchanging human nature. If we are ever to move beyond this cycle of violence, we are going to have to evolve morally, as individuals and as cultures, and reject violence in all its forms.

  566. Keep up the good work, NCADP! I’m confident that your work will continue to influence legislators to do away with the death penalty, which has not only been shown not to deter murders, and has put some innocent people on death row, but has, in my opinion, unintentionally contributed to the high
    rate of violence in this country. Let’s join the rest of the civilized world in eliminating the death penalty.

  567. Please support the NCADP. We need their dedication. An eye for an eye only leaves the whole world blind.

  568. Jean Rabenold

    Greeatings from the Unitarian Universalists for Alternatives to the Death Penalty. We are glad to join you in this effort to rid our country from a practice that is a blot on its character. None of us can rest until this terrible cruelty is finaly abolished.

  569. Praising all who contribute to the NCADP, Your hardwork is greatly appreciated.

  570. I support the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty.
    If we understood what terrorism even meant the ‘Death Penalty’ would be abolished , or reserved for Billionaires / Millionaires and Corporations.

  571. NCADP is an amazing organisation with exceptional outreach. I am from the UK and currently live and work in Greece, but through the NCADP website I am still able to campaign and sign petitions. Every little helps! I have been against capital punishment for as long as I can remember. Reading the entries here from fellow NCADP supporters is humbling and uplifting. It gives me great heart to know that there are countless people working for the abolition of this cruel and inhumane form of punishment. Bringing about abolition requires courage and determination on the part of governments and political leaders, as well as strong-willed members of the public. Slavery was once legal and widely accepted. Its abolition came about through years of efforts by those who opposed it on moral grounds. The requirement of respect for human rights has to include the abolition of capital punishment. Keep up the good work, NCADP!

  572. Jean-Marie Jacoby

    No state is giving live, no state has the right to take it away in a premeditated way as murderers do!

  573. Thank you for all the good work you’ve done and for keeping us all up-dated!

  574. Thank you NCADP for your important work in the fight to abolish the death penalty.

  575. Sofia Candeloro

    Thanks God there are people like you. It is a duty to support you

  576. NCADP is a vital and integral part of the fight against the death penalty and deserves all the support it can get. It has enabled me to keep abreast of developments in the US and to do my part when I can.

  577. It is so easy to become disheartened by the feeling of defeat every time an execution goes forward as scheduled. During what sometimes seems a long-uphill battle, the ability to find encouragement from people who are seeing the success of their efforts helps those of us in states like Ohio, Texas, California, etc see that there really is hope for success.

  578. The death penalty does not accomplish anything except more violence and misconception of what the death penalty does. It does not deture anything. It is just a violent permission to kll again.

  579. PEZZOPANE Evelyne

    Imagine… the death penalty abolished all over the world…
    Could we realized it ?
    With NCADP… yes, we can !

  580. NCADP deserves every support in its vital and effective campaign against the death penalty in the US.

  581. NCADP proved an invaluable resource when doing research for my book, EXECUTION’S DOORSTEP, which recounts the experiences of five of the deathrow exonerated. I continue to rely on NCADP to keep abreast of news on the abolition front. I count them among the top sites in the nation.

  582. Thank you, NCADP, for supplying tools to help states make strides in the right direction for abolition. Last year’s Annual Death Penalty Abolitionist Leadership Institute was so well-rounded to equip any staffer or volunteer with outstanding strategies.

  583. Important issue, good plan. Well worth support.

  584. Suzanne Miller

    As a citizen of the “killing state”, Texas, I know how hard NCADP works to inform, lobby, speak out to change the blood lust and revenge that keeps Texas far ahead of any other U.S. state in this barbaric and inhumane practice. Let’s fund them so they can continue their work. Thank you NCADP.

  585. Death penalty is abolished in Europe with except for Belarus. It would be great if that happened in the U.S. too. NCADP is doing a great job for this to coming true.

  586. Blanca Tavera

    I feel hopeless when I think about the death penalty issue in isolation; when I read about the work that NCADP is doing I can feel hopeful once again!

    Thank you NCADP and may Spirit guide your work.

  587. I rely on the NCADP every Monday morning for the latest information on who is to be executed that week. I then email our community to ask them to pray for the ones being executed, the victims’ families, the inmates’ families and the people of those states. Thank you NCADP for providing the information.

  588. Eric Villarreal

    NCADP is an invaluable tool for death penalty awareness, abolition, and organization.

  589. It is hard to believe that we consider the United States to be a “civilized” nation when the death penalty continues to exist. Thank you for your tirless efforts to abolish it.

  590. Jane McCarthy

    Please keep up the good work. Our receptionist emails every time there is an execution or proposed execution. Jane

  591. The NCADP has been a great source of information for anti-death penalty advocates and a formidable counterweight to the pro-death penalty propaganda. The NCADP will be an important organization as long as societies continue to be involved in state-sponsored killing

  592. Marv Klassen-Landis

    NCADP is doing very important work towards abolition of the death penalty.

  593. Rosalie Noder OSF

    I get your announcements regularly, and they often appear on our bulletin board. We pray for vistims and perpetrators, Please continue to keep us up to date.

  594. I really depend on NCAPD to help keep our membership informed about death penalty issues and alerts. Keep up the great work!

    Art Roche
    Dubuque Peace and Justice

  595. Jessica Rasp

    I support the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty

  596. Talitha Landis-Marinello

    I support the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty. It is a crime to kill.

  597. Samantha Chassin

    As a former NCADP Intern, I support NCADP’s mission and efforts 100%!

  598. Sarah Shetter

    I NCADP is an incredibly important organization, and I will continue to support them until the death penalty is abolished.

  599. The Death Penalty should be abolished. Keep up the great work.

  600. Kietryn Zychal

    I vote for NCADP because it’s a saintly thing to advocate for sinners. And it’s emotionally wrenching to give a prisoner support when he or she is facing execution. I don’t know how they do it.

  601. Use of new media like this is so important because young people are the most likely to be opposed ot this barbaric practice.

  602. The NCADP does good work, and deserves our support.

  603. Greg Walz-Chojnacki

    I’m proud to lend my support to an organization that is fighting so effectively against this barbaric and mindless practice.

    Thanks for what you’re doing!

  604. Bonnie Brusky

    Keep working hard on this…we need to focus on the problems in our communities and offer aid and rehab instead of putting people to death. Thanks to the NCADP for their efforts.

  605. I appreciate the NCADP’s work to help make America a better, more humane society.

  606. As a paramount Human Rights issue of our time, elimination of the death penalty, drives like these are what keep the arc of positive humanity moving forward.

  607. As a person of faith I believe in the sanctity of life and the fability of human judgments. I support the work of NCADP and pray for the day when the death penalty is abolished throughout the US.

  608. J. Bretzmann

    Thanks for all the work that you do. We appreciate your organization and all the people working with it. We count on your continued success!

  609. Go NCDADP!

  610. Jamie Bloomquist

    Congratulations on New Mexico. It is a victory built on your organized grassroots effort to bring change.

  611. Mary from California

    I am an ardent supporter of NCADP. As an anti-death penalty activist, NCADP keeps me informed about executions and appeals across the country. Without NCADP, I would have a hard time keeping up with the abolition movement.

  612. Great work! NCADP’s comprehensive and frequent internet updates have really helped getting people mobilized!

  613. Over the years, the NCADP has been a valuable aid to our organization – Catholics Against Capital Punishment – as well as to other narrowly-focused groups in the anti-death-penalty community through its wide-ranging initiatives in the Internet and related areas.

  614. Susan Bonowitz

    Good Job Abe and the rest of the staff at NCADP. Keep up the good work.

  615. Rev. Carroll Pickett

    Friends, I was Death House Chaplain in Texasand spent the last day with 95 inmates who were murdered by the state after midnight. NCADP along with other supportive groups are working to help America, and expecially Texas, stop this murder by the state. We have killed innocent people,, mentally ill, and others who did not commit the crime.I have been blessed to be at NCADP office, work with them and they need all the support you can give. Texas and America do not need the Death Penalty and there are many, many reasons. So, please help the good, good people who are striving so hard to bring back Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happines.

  616. NCADP is doing work we should all support. The death penalty needs to be abolished everywhere.

  617. Rock on NCADP! Your organizer, Abe Bonowitz is the man! He turned us all onto your work!

  618. Curtis McCarty

    Thank you for the moral support through the long years of my incarceration: you gave me hope. Thanks too for keeping me informed of current happenings through your on-line projects. Much obliged.

  619. Melanie Francis

    Thanks NCADP for all your efforts!

  620. DNA technology continues to shame states that still allow the dealth penalty!! How many people need to die only to be vindicated for their crimes in the grave?!

  621. Go NCADP ! – Keep up the good work – I am 100% on your side !

  622. Clifford Hogan Jr.

    NCADP is a very important and needed organization. We need to support it in any capacity we can. I encourage everyone to support the NCADP. Remember killing someone does not teach us not to kill someone. Let’s do what is right in the sight of GOD.

  623. Christy Hargesheimer

    NCADP has been instrumental in helping to form a network, or community, of activists across the country who can learn from one another. It is through such collaboration that we will one day see the death penalty join slavery as a shameful part of our history that has been abolished.

  624. Anne and Marvin Bonowitz

    We vote for NCADP because we believe in everything the organization does. We hope to see the death penalty completely abolished.

  625. The work of NCADP in organizing online support for abolition of the death penalty has been essential to recent victories in this arena.

  626. Julie Everett

    The death penalty is nothing more than a veiled vengence. If killing is wrong, then it is wrong, no matter who the killer or victim. Organizations such as this are so brave and so necessary!

  627. You’ve got my support!

  628. Brenda Greene

    Working 24/7 means I need NCADP to keep me up to date on death penalty issues. They come through for me without fail.

  629. Great job NCADP. Your internet presence mobilizes others to do good work for this important effort.

  630. Sachin:

    Keep up the great work at NCADP. Good to hear from you as well.


  631. NCADP is doing great work.

  632. Stojp the death penalty It is useless it it like increasing the bad which was already done.



  634. Susan Raybuck

    I am grateful for the NCADP (and my Texas chapter) for the work they do. Their mission is hugely important in turning our country from a system that has incarcerated and executed many innocent people. Their work in the legislative branch to educate lawmakers and change laws, as well as their support of those incarcerated and their families, is invaluable in transforming America to the best it can be. A work in progress, but a wonderful goal.

  635. I value the work of the National coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty and hope it will be more weidely known and appreciated. Please support them as best you can.

  636. Keep up the good work, NCADP!

  637. Gabrielle Banks

    NCADP has helped me immensely in my work as a criminal justice journalist at a major metropolitan daily newspaper, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

  638. NCADP is doing great work mobilizing people from around the country to work for the abolition of capital punishment. The NCADP website has been a valuable resource for me for speaking and writing about the death penalty.

  639. Betty Gallagher

    Thanks so much for using new technology to break through the old ways of thinking and doing things.



  641. GO NCADP….

  642. Continue to work in Montana

  643. I have alway’s been interested in this subject and i have been following it very closley on both here and tv, my stance is against the death penaly in any country, but mainly the usa, in the year 2009, they shoulod not be putting inmates too death and this pratice should be abolished as soon as possible. A life for life is not the answer and never will be, but also keeping human beings locked up for 23 hours a day in a cell for god knows how many years is simply pure torture and like the dp should be abolished, no matter who the inmate is or what they have done wrong, they are still entitled too be treated as a human being in proper conditions….End the dp now and treat the people more humanley NOW !

  644. Camille Elison

    Go NCADP!!!!

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